Chapter Fifteen

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Warning: Self-harm references.


Beth's eyes fell upon the tired, decrepit building as the old Jeep came to a slow stop. Now that she had a good view of the exterior of the cabin, she studied it, taking in all the small details; the wood was old and worn, it was also discoloured and moss peaked out between the cracks of the logs. All the curtains were drawn and the windows were dirtied from dust and age, which gave them a misty colour instead of being clear and transparent.

The cabin was dark-oak and looked virtually untouched and neglected despite being lived-in, it was also extremely small, the towering trees that crowded it made it seem to shrink in size even more. But despite it's obvious age and wear-and-tear, the cabin had an eerie beauty about it. The high, Wisconsin sun hit it in a way that warmed it's colours and it blended in seamlessly with the vast stretch of nature, the bright vivid greens of the surrounding tress complimented it's brown shades. It really did look like a scene out of a horror-movie but it also looked peaceful, cosy and serene. She breathed.

'This is my new home now' She told herself mournfully.

Beth struggled out of the car, wrestling with her large, swollen suit-case as that had been squished up against her legs, after some grunting, swearing and pulling, Beth finally freed herself and made a rather inelegant exit from the vehicle. She dragged the suit-case behind her and huffed, she brushed some stray hairs out of her face and turned to face Jeff, who watched her with a large smirk pulled across his face.

"You could've at least helped" Beth said, her infamous bitchy, sassy attitude making a return as she placed a hand upon her hip for emphasis on her annoyance.

Jeff's smirk transformed into a wide grin, as usual his cheshire-cat like scars made his smile look unnaturally large.

"Oh, trust me, princess. It was way more entertaining to watch" He said, his tone sounded amused.

Beth shot a cold glare at him but she was too tired to argue.

Beth dragged her exhausted and deflated body over towards Jeff, she watched him with heavy eyes as he reached into his jean-pocket and used his eye-drops to moisten his unblinking eyes, the irony of it made her suppress a laugh; the fact that a serial-killer had to complete such a mundane ritual was funny to her. But it also reminded her that beneath all the scars, disfigurement and murderous intent – Jeff was just a man.

'Great, now I'm humanising a killer' She told herself.

But she was a killer too so what right did she have to judge Jeff? There was blood on her hands too and she had to accept that. She no longer knew what to think, or feel. Nothing made any sense to her any-more, she just felt empty, defeated and tired. Her whole world had been flipped upside-down in a day, the rug pulled from underneath her feet – and she had no choice but to embrace the fall or her mind would break. All she could think about was how she wanted to crash down onto a bed and sleep, hoping this had just all been a bad dream and re-awaken the next day in her room.

Beth followed Jeff into the cabin, the warm dusty air greeted her, the cabin was at they left it; empty and bland, it was dull inside and smelled like damp, rotting wood and mold. It wasn't a particularly unpleasant smell but it was the kind that'd tickle your throat and irritate your lungs, the air was hard to breath in here compared to the filtered air outside.

The furnishing was various shades of browns, tans and greys, nothing stood out to her apart from the mass of fur that still laid unmoving by the fire-place. The fluffy shape shifted upon their return and Beth felt her hairs stand on end as the huge dog-like creature slowly stood and turned to face her, it's horrifying face burned it's image into her brain, as bared it's unnaturally large human-like teeth and an empty smile stretched across it's abnormally big mouth.

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