Chapter Sixteen

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Beth peered through the slight opening in the door, her eyes did a once-over of Jeff, his frame filled the small crack.

"Can I help you?" She questioned as she pulled the door open fully, she couldn't help but to notice Jeff muscles tense beneath his bloodied t-shirt as his beady eyes bore into her, his empty gaze made her feel uncomfortable and she felt her skin crawl. She squirmed slightly and shrunk under his vacant stare, she shot him an icy glare in return, hoping that it would mask her discomfort.

"Are you done?" Jeff spoke, his tone was blunt.

Beth rolled her eyes and nodded.

Jeff pushed passed her rather rudely and he kicked her and her suit-case out of the bathroom as he closed the door behind him.


Beth listened as the shower hissed to life once-more, no doubt Jeff would have a difficult time ridding himself off of the blood that stained him. He'd probably be in there a while, Beth waltzed into the living-room and ignored the dog-like being that shot deadly glares at her, she rested her bulging suit-case against the sofa and threw herself onto the firm cushions. She sighed contentedly, silence embraced her as she settled her exhausted body into the tanned sofa, her muscles loosened as she closed her eyes, just before sleep could take her - she was interrupted.

"You smell like death" Smile stated randomly.

Beth pulled her eyes open and looked at the creature, his features and down-right terrifying vibe still unsettled her, the moment she laid eyes upon him her head immediately felt dizzy.

"What?" Beth murmured, she could still hardly believe the dog could talk and she was half-asleep.

"You reek of decay, human. I can smell the stench of blood on your hands" Smile said, his tone was harsh and cold, his black eyes matched his dark, matted fur.

Starring at him caused her head to spin as the familiar feeling of nausea caused her stomach to twist and churn, she refused to turn away, however, she had already lost so much, why not take what was left of her sanity too?

"Wha- What do you mean?" Beth said in a hushed voice, confused. Her tired mind couldn't keep up with the creatures ramblings.

"You have killed, human. Blood running from your fingers and not a single memory as to why. Strange. Your own blood, your own family. Just like Jeffery" Smile said, a large empty grin etched itself across his face.

Had Jeff told him? No. Jeff didn't know that Beth couldn't recall her parents murder, it was as if the creature was peering into her mind. Now that she thought about it, Smiles mouth hadn't moved the entire time he talked, it was at this point Beth realised - she was hearing his voice in her head.

Her head began to throb and her vision began to drift out of focus as bile rose into her throat and her head spun, she kept her eyes trained on Smile, despite his effects now taking it's toll.

The way Smile compared her to Jeff formed a pit in her stomach, Jeff had killed his family too?

"Jeff?" Beth repeated quizzically, her voice was becoming confused and slurred from whatever sickness Smile had educed upon her.

"You and him are alike indeed, I can see why he wants to keep you around. Don't get comfortable, human. Jeffery will come to his senses eventually and put you to sleep like you should with a pet" The creature spoke slowly but his tone was cold and vicious.

The room around her began to warp and distort as her head began to wobble, her body began to shake and blood trickled down her nose, she was struggling to keep her vision focused on the creature. Her heart began to pound as adrenaline flushed her body, images of blood and death filled her view as Smile's features became mangled and haunting, his emotionless black eyes bore into her skull; his fur also began to transform, his rough black fur churned and mixed until it became a rusty red, the colour reminded her of old, dried blood. His face flashed in her mind along with the images of unrecognisable butchered bodies and flames. She could feel her mind slipping, she wanted to scream but nothing left her lungs.

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