Chapter Twenty-Five

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~ The Next Day ~

Beth sat quietly in the living-room, she nervously fiddled with the zip on her suitcase whilst she restlessly waited for Jeff, who was currently in his bedroom packing his stuff. Beth glanced briefly at the dark-black opal eyes of Smile that observed her warily and released a heavy sigh, the atmosphere of the cabin had been thick with intensity and negativity since yesterday. The stresses and weight from the possible threats and situations Jeff and Beth now faced hung over them like a cloud of dense fog, it made it hard to breathe in the already stuffy cabin.

They hadn't spoken since the incident in the truck, the cabin had been uncomfortably and deadly silent and the air was charged with bad energy which added to the already hostile environment. It was too much for Beth, she felt as if she were stepping around eggshells, with each passing moment she felt more and more on edge and had resorted to isolating herself in the bedroom until this morning.

She wanted to get away from here, far, far away. But she knew it was futile.

Finally, after another moment of unbareable silence passed, Jeff appeared in the living-room holding a rather large and swelling suitcase, it dragged slowly behind him as he strode towards Beth.

They quietly stared at each other for a minute, the sound of a clock loudly ticking cut through the awkward and uncomfortable stillness of the cabin. Beth gritted her teeth together; she was beginning to feel irritated and impatient but held it in, she sharply exhaled and released her rising annoyance as the breath left her.

"What took you so long?" Beth asked Jeff, trying not to sound angry but failed miserably.

Jeff's expression darkened at her snappy tone and his shoulders visibility tensed and squared, a fight was just waiting to happen, Beth could feel it, they were walking on a thin and unstable line with each-other. She hated it, she hated feeling like she had to be cautious and on-edge all the time, she wished she possessed the strength to knock Jeff unconscious and get away.

'Maybe I'd go live in the woods, It'd be oh, so blissful' She thought to herself.

"I had to empty out the generator and hide the fuel, we won't be back for a while and the police will most likely search this place. We don't want them knowing somebody lives here now, do we?" Jeff answered rather grumpily.

Beth was taken aback, but not because of Jeff's attitude, it was surprisingly well thought-out for him. She wouldn't have even thought about fuel being left in the generator being a problem but he had a point; if it was left in there along cans of freshly-syphoned fuel, the authorities would catch onto the cabin being occupied which ment that it'd give them more reason to stick around with their investigation.

For someone who acted as recklessly as Jeff did, he was unexpectedly careful and thorough. Honestly, she was kind of impressed.

"Did you make the bed?" She questioned.

"Yeah, the place looks virtually untouched" A wide smile crawled across Jeff's face as he spoke.

Beth rose a brow at the sudden change in his behaviour.

"What're you smiling at?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm just suprised you asked me that, princess. Getting used to this whole killer thing, are we?" He said, an amused tone laced his voice.

Beth's eyes widened slightly at his comment, flustered and taken-aback she quickly and defiantly shook her head.

"Wha-what? N-no!" She argued.

Jeff chuckled, the deep and bassy sound reverberated throughout the room and lifted some of the heaviness in the atmosphere, Beth couldn't help but notice how nice and welcoming the sound was compared to the awful quietness that had consumed the building.

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