Chapter Eleven

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Beth kept her burning gaze glued onto the man, her eyes held the determination and stubborness of her strong-will.

The man's face crumpled in rage and he threw the knife across the room. "FUCK!" He shouted, his eyes were filled with fury and confusion.

The man gripped his thick, course hair in his hands and grunted in frustration, Beth watched him in utter silence. The man quickly stood up and kicked the leg of the bed.

"Shit!" He screamed.

"Fuck" He uttered once more as he sat on the bed and starred up at the ceiling. His muscles tensed and moved against his skin, he had an athletic physique and Beth couldn't help but notice the nicely carved biceps and toned torso.

He seemed in a trance now, starring at the ceiling, his haunted eyes now looked tired and his body was unmoving apart from his faint breath.

With his temper-tantrum being over, Beth cleared her throat.

"Why can't you kill me?" She questioned, her voice was calm now, she had accepted there was nothing she could do about this situation, she was power-less.

The man allowed his body to fall onto the bed and he rubbed his temples in irritation.

"You don't get it, do you?" His pitch was impatient and annoyed, for a brief moment Beth was reminded of herself but she quickly shook that thought from her mind.

"Why else would I ask?" Beth quipped, her sarcastic and cold tone was back.

"I kill for fun, I want fear to be the last thing seen in my victims eyes before their life drains from it" He explained in a tone that screamed insanity, his eyes one again became wild as he spoke, even talking about it caused his excitement and lunacy.

"It's like a game to you" Beth said, observant, her voice laced with disgust.

"Exactly, it's all about the thrill, princess. And killing you would bring me no such joy if you wont put up a fight" He huffed.

"You can't kill me...or you wont?" Beth spat.

The man turned his head to face her, his horrifying features caused her body to stiffen, she instinctively pressed her back up against the wall as his cold eyes fell on hers once more, she didn't think she'd ever get used to that face.

"Are you scared of me, girl?" He questioned, most likely noticing her body-language.

Beth did a once-over of the man, once again studying his grotesque face and burnt body, she thought carefully about her answer.

"...Yes" She answered honestly.

The man chuckled but it seemed...sad?

" you should be, everyone else is, no-one thinks I'm beautiful" He stated, his tone was laced with the smallest hint of sorrow.

Beth stared at him, she suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her. After all, was it really his fault he looked like that? But with how unhinged he seemed, Beth couldn't be sure. Beth shook those thoughts away, she was the victim here, not him.

"So...what're you going to do with me?" Beth asked, breaking the brief silence that fell between them.

She didn't want her fate to be drawn-out and long, if she was going to die, she wanted it to be quick and pain-less but if he wasn't going to kill her then just what did he plan to do?

The man launched himself upwards, once again sitting up and with exaggerated movements he jumped off the bed and began pacing the room.

"Ya see, that's just the thing, ain't it princess? What do I do?" He questioned, more to himself than to Beth, he once again strolled over to her and lent down to her level, his wide, beady eyes gleamed with malice. Beth shuffled herself further up against the wall, attempting to put distance between herself and him.

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