Chapter Seventeen

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Jack exhaled a breath of relief as the double-door entrance of the activities room finally came into view.

Even with his impressive agility and photographic memory of the twisting and turning maze, Jack reached the activities room after twenty-minutes of wandering the lifeless halls of the institution. Upon entering the room, he set his sights on a still sleeping Rin, her blood-red hair had fallen across her face and her body was completely still.

Jack cocked his head slightly as he inspected her, her pale skin and motionless body would make it seem to untrained eyes that she was dead but
Jack's perceptive sight caught a glimpse of her faint breathing as her gentle breath blew a strand of crimson hair that had fallen across her small, round face. Jack slunk over to Rin and placed the papers down onto the coffee-table, he then perched himself on top of the coffee-table as he had done so before and observed her in complete silence.

Her eyes moved in a repeated motion underneath her eyelids as she rested and her breath was soft. Jack began to take notice of all the little details of her functions whilst she slept, he counted the number of times she mumbled, one, two, three... he kept track of her steady breathing and how often she would twitch and stir.

He took mental notes of her habits and behaviours, ensuring to memorize everything, right down to the last detail. She almost passed for a human, looking so peaceful and unguarded but her sickeningly memorising aura reminded Jack that she was indeed a supernatural being. In was in this moment, Jack's mind began to ponder, she was vulnerable whilst she slept, completely and utterly unaware of her surroundings. Jack gripped the scalpel in his right-hand pocket.

'I wonder...would I be able to kill her now and be rid of this obstacle?' He thought to himself.

He was unsure of the answer, although she looked completely defenceless, he didn't want to take that risk. He hadn't tested the extent of her abilities yet, her weaknesses and her strengths but once he had that figured out it'd be best for him and for everything else that resided within the forest if she was dead.

But until he could figure out a way to kill Rin or weaken her, at least, until then he was stuck with her presence and had to plan in advance in case he never finds the answers. Jack watched as Rin stirred, her eyes slowly fluttered open and let out a slow yawn, she stretched and blinked. Jack's body instinctively tensed as he waited unmoving and patiently for her to fully wake-up, like a hawk watching it's prey.

Rin blinked a few times before her bright, emerald-green eyes fell upon Jack. Her eyes widened upon spotting him and she shot up in her seat, her body became rigid with fright for a brief moment and he heard her heart thump against her chest. A small mischievous grin spread across Jack's face from underneath his mask, it amused him to see her look so spooked and taken by surprise.

However, Rin quickly relaxed upon realising it was him and shot him an unimpressed frown, this only humoured Jack more and he stifled a chuckle. Seeing her so being easily startled was the only thing keeping him entertained in the madness he had found himself involved with - that and his starving curiosity that was obsessed with revealing her secrets.

"You slept well, I see" Jack remarked, his tone was casual as he spoke to her but he spoke with politeness and eloquence.

Rin remained silent but nodded, her expression was vacant but her eyes beamed with life and energy, swirling with colours of the forest and filled with emotions Jack couldn't understand. Her eyes seemed...curious? Full of wonder and expression, so... human. Jack pondered to himself if his eyes looked like that once-upon a time, a time before his eyes and life was ripped away from him.

Jack never mourned his life before the incident, he only had faint memories of it and occasionally a familiar face would pop-up into his mind but he would find himself unable to place a name. There was only one face from that time that haunted him...a girl with chestnut-brown hair and eyes as blue as the sky.

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