Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jeff glanced at Beth momentarily, the ride from the cabin was surprisingly pleasant and comfortable despite the drive over being a quiet one, the moody atmosphere from before had lifted but there was still a sense of urgency and uncertainty that stubbornly remained between them.

Beth's hazel eyes seemed to have drifted off to somewhere in the distance, she was completely zoned-out and Jeff had decided not to disturb her, he thought back briefly to earlier today, when they had shared a moment of content. Beth had smiled, it was slight but it was still a smile, it was the first time he had seen her genuinely smile like that since they had met.

The smile filled him with a strange yet welcome warmth, it felt good, like an achievement almost. He felt a sense of pride that he had been the cause of it, but it had also made him feel something else... Something he was convinced he was incaple of... He felt happy. But it had also flustered him, which had taken him by surprised and shocked him but he had swiftly shoved that down.

Jeff pulled himself from his thoughts and took a moment to inspect the weather, it had turned a little cloudy since they left; the morning was still lukewarm but light grey clouds were randomly scattered across the baby-blue sky, Jeff predicted that it could rain but hoped that it would clear-up or stay cloudy to make driving easier.

Jeff stepped out of the vehicle to greet Jack and Rin as they grew closer, Jeff shot an icy glare towards Rin and she sheepishly looked to the floor, he still didn't trust her and doubted he ever would. Beth remained in the Jeep and only glanced in their direction once, barely acknowledging Rin's and Jack's arrival.

"You're late" Jack grumbled as he threw a bloating black duffle-bag towards Jeff.

Jeff eyed the duffle bag and sneered at Jack, Rin peered up at Jeff from behind Jack's shoulders. They never did discuss a time for their departure, but he had kept Jack waiting so it seemed that had made him moody.

"My apologies, your majesty, your carriage awaits" Jeff said sarcastically, adding a mocking bow for effect.

That earned a low growl from Jack in response, Jeff gazed up at Jack; Jack was taller than he was and Jeff had a leaner build by comparison, so Jack towered over him ever so slightly. Jeff wasn't phased nor was he intimidated, however, he instead snorted at Jack and threw the duffel-bag back in his direction.

"Don't forget I'm you're only ride, eyeless. I'd appreciate some manners and respect" Jeff said, his voice lowered and sounded more serious and slightly irritated.

Jack squared his shoulders for a moment but then relaxed them again, he huffed, reluctantly picked up the duffle-bag and then walked over towards the Jeep, Jeff observed him with watchful eyes. Three killers, a proxy and a demon-dog living in the same building for an uncertain amount of time, what could possibly go wrong? It sounded like a headliner to a bad joke.

Jeff studied Jack as he easily lifted the duffle-bag and placed it into the back of the truck, the truck was only a two-seater; with Jeff and Beth occupying the front of the vehicle, Rin and Jack would have no choice but to be exposed to the elements in the back. If it did in fact rain, Jack and Rin were in for one hell of an unpleasant ride.

After he was finished, Jeff took a few steps closer towards Jack, Rin slowly lagged behind him, staying at a comfortable distance as she followed Jeff. Jack stood beside the Jeep and twisted his body so that he was facing Jeff, Jeff scowled at him - not too happy or pleased with the situation he found himself in.

"You remember were it is?" Jeff questioned, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Jack swiftly turned towards Jeff and steadily nodded his head, his chocolate-brown hair bounced with the movement as he did so, a gloved hand appeared from Jack's hoddie pocket and he extended it out in Jeff's direction. He was tightly holding a neatly folded piece of paper, Jeff stared at his hand and raised a brow in questioning; wondering why the black latex-gloves were necessary, perhaps he had been cleaning and simply forgot to remove them.

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