Chapter 10: Secrets revealed

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Later the next day, more combat choppers are patrolling the city, looking for the creatures. The heroes with the flying monsters are flying with them, helping them out. Sora is on his Armed Dragon. He's with two combat choppers with Riku on his Curse of Dragon. They both look around the place, but don't see Godzilla or Black Tyranno. They both look at each other as they fly over the city. Meanwhile, with the heroes on the ground, they're with the soldiers in the subway and the sewers. They're looking for more clues of where the creatures might be hiding. Winter is with her sisters, along with their Harpie monsters. They're with two soldiers in one of the sewer pipes. Winter, Weiss, and one of the soldiers thought they heard something in the pipe, and are checking it out. 

Soldier: Come on, Joey. There's nothing down here. 

Joey: I'm telling you, man. I heard...something. 

Soldier: You heard nothing. It's a dead end. 

Winter: Just hold on. 

They come to some kind of cave-in ahead. The girls and Joey look at it. Harpie Girl and Harpie's Brother look at it. Electricity crackles from cut wires above. 

Soldier: (Whispering) Anything?

Joey: Nah. Nothing down here. Nothing at all. 

Weiss: But I really thought we heard something. And it came from down here. 

Winter: I guess it was nothing. 

They all turn around to leave the pipe. But as they leave, the "cave-in" suddenly moves up, to reveal an orange glaring eye. It's Godzilla. He's watching them leave, and they don't notice him as they haven't turned back to look. He growls softly as he moves his eye and head out of sight. The girls meet up with the rest of the heroes up above. The heroes decide to go back to the command center. And now, they're with Colonel Hicks and the chain of command, the mayor, and the governor. He's making another bait plan to lure Godzilla and Black Tyranno out into the open again. 

Hicks: We were unable to effectively deploy our weapons, but if we can lure them into a more open area, such as this portion of Central Park, I think we should be able to take them down. 

Mayor Elbert: Last time, you didn't even scratch them. 

Hicks: That's not true. My worm guys-- I mean--Dr Tatopoulos and his brother here found blood. 

Nick and Eddie come into the room as they take off their coats. They just came back from the lab. Robbie has already head off to find Audrey.  

Nick: Yes, yes, we did. 

Hicks: So you see, the only thing we need to do is to get them out into open terrain and use weapons that don't rely on heat-seeking technology--

Nick: Uh, excuse me, sir. I think the situation has become more complicated than that. 

Eddie: Very complicated, sir.

Jonah: What is it?

Nick: The blood that we collected revealed that the creature is either about to lay eggs...or already has. 

Governor: Are you trying to tell us there's another one of those things out there?

Eddie: No, Mr. Governor. We don't believe so. 

Mayor Elbert: Wait a minute. Wait, wait. Then, how can it be pregnant? What is this, the virgin lizard?

A couple of men laugh at this. The heroes shake their heads at this. 

Jonah: Or did that other one get it pregnant?

Nick: No, no. It reproduces asexually. That's why we have to find the nest as soon as possible. Otherwise, up to a dozen are gonna be born. Each one capable to laying eggs on its own. 

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