Chapter 18: Humans vs. monsters

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They all lay down on the ground, groaning as debris is everywhere on the streets. Some cars are tipped over. They all slowly get up. 

Kai: Whoa. 

Nick: (To Audrey) You all right?

Audrey: Yeah.

Yuu: Man, that was a big explosion. 

Miki: Yeah.

Audrey: Somehow I never thought your life was this exciting. 

Nick: You'd be surprised.

Audrey: (Looks at him) I'd like to find out. 

He looks at her, and in a moment, they both lean in, and kiss each other on the lips. Eddie and Robbie see this, and smirk. They both fist-bump each other. Yuu and Miki smile at this. They both look at each other, and smile at each other. They both lean in, and kiss too. Tiffany giggles at this. Animal looks at Philippe. 

Animal: H-how ya doing? Ya all right?

Philippe: I could use a coffee. (Grunts)

Sora: My friends and I could use some ice cream bars. 

Everyone gets back up, and they all look at the Garden. It is completely in ruins, and everything that was inside it is gone. 

Riku: Well, looks like we got them all. 

Ruby: (Suddenly looks down) You know, for some reason, I feel kinda bad. I mean, I know they were monsters, but they were babies. They were only looking for food to eat. And with their father dead, they couldn't do anything else without him.

Weiss: But they still needed to be stopped. And hopefully, Black Tyranno was in there with them. 

Jaune: Me too. I really hope he was in there with them. 

Goofy: Well, it's finally over now. 

But after saying that, they all hear growling in the distance. They all look around as Animal stands up with the camera he took from the booth. The growling continues as they look at the ruins. Then suddenly, somethng bursts through inside the ruins. It's Godzilla, alive! He roars in the air. Everyone looks at him in awe and shock. 

Nora: (Stammers) But, I thought they killed him...

Godzilla looks down, and sees them. He sniffs, and moans. The heroes see him looking at something ahead of them. They look, and see two bodies of his offsprings. He leans down, and nuzzles one of them, trying to get it up, but it lays dead on the steps. Then, Black Tyranno appears. The heroes see him. Godzilla turns to him, and he growls at him. Black Tyranno looks at the humans, and Godzilla stares at them, thinking that they have something to do with what happened to his kids. Godzilla looks at them with an angry look while growling. 

Eddie: Oh, boy...

Audrey: Uh--

Nick: He looks angry. 

He snarls at them, getting ready to make them pay. Black Tyranno growls in glee, seeing that Godzilla is now gonna do what he's supposed to do. Kill. 

Weiss: He is angry. 

Roxas: We just killed his babies. 

Miki: And now he's gonna kill us. 

Animal: W-w-what do we do?

Philippe: Running would be a good idea.

Robbie: Yeah, that is a good idea. Let's go! 

Animal: Oh, man!

Audrey, Miki, and Tiffany scream as they all run. Godzilla and Black Tyranno roar at them as they stomp after them. 

Sora: Wait! Guys, let's split up! One of them will follow one of our group while the other follows the other!

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