Chapter 13: Fire at will 2

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With Animal, Audrey, and Robbie, they're walking down the tunnel. And then, they come to the 23rd Street station, or what's left of it. They see the damage that Godzilla did to the tunnel and station. 

Robbie: Holy crap...

Animal: Whoa! 

Audrey: Oh, my gosh.

Animal: Yeah. There they are.

They all look down in the hole, and they see Nick, Eddie, Yuu, Miki, Philippe, and his men down below, chattering as they walk through the mess.

Animal: Kill your light. Kill your light. 

They turn on their lights to avoid being seen by them. Animal records them as they walk. 

Audrey: Well, come on. How do we get down there? We're gonna lose 'em. 

Down below, the group shine their lights around the place as they walk through water. Back above, they come up, and walk to a downed train. 

Animal: How the heck did they get down there?

Audrey: I don't know. 

Robbie: I think through here. (Points at train) 

Animal: You don't think they climbed down this thing? (Kicks a can) Whoops. Aw, jeez.

They watch the can clattering down the train. It reaches the bottom. With the group, they hear the clattering, but then Nick and Eddie hear something. They signal for them to stop. They then hear low groaning. Then the place shakes. Nick looks down, and sees a pipe shaking in the water. Audrey, Animal, and Robbie all climb down the train carefully. 

Audrey: Careful.

Robbie: Don't worry. 

They hold onto the poles to climb down. They reach the bottom with Animal getting there first. 

Robbie helps his sister out. The group look around as the place continues shaking. Yuu looks around, and he looks up. Miki looks up too, and they both see some rocks shaking too, and the surviving light bulb above goes out. Audrey hears it too as Animal checks his bag. 

Audrey: Do you hear that?

Animal: What?

Robbie: That noise. What is that?

Eddie looks at the pipe, and sees it's really shaking now. They all look around, and realize something. Something is coming. They all look ahead, and then, something bursts through a wall. It's Godzilla. He bellows as he comes out of the hole. Everyone panics as they see him.

Eddie: Uh, oh.

Miki: Yuu...?!

Yuu: We can't let it see us!

Philippe shouts in French to his men, and they move to a pipe as Godzilla crawls. But luckily, he didn't see them as he crawls past the pipe. Everyone watches him crawl by. Audrey, Robbie, and Animal see him coming. Animal slowly holds up his camera to record. As he does, both Audrey and Robbie run back to the train to get out of the way.

Audrey: Animal, come on!

Robbie: Let's go, man!

Animal then runs back to them as Godzilla crawls past them. He crawls out of the hole in the street above, and walks out of sight. Animal blows raspberry and chuckles as Audrey pants. Robbie laughs with her. With the group, they walk over to where Godzilla came from. They all look at it, and sees it's a tunnel path that leads somewhere.

Nick: I guess we go this way. 

Eddie: Yeah, but be careful. We didn't see the other one go with it, meaning it could be in there. 

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