Chapter 15: Dealing with an army of baby Godzillas

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Back in the Command Center, the military are getting everything settled. Jonah is with his dad right now after being returned to base. As he sits down, he's listening to the radio. It's talking about the people that are at the Lincoln tunnel. They're demanding to be let back into the city to go back to their homes. 

Radio: I'm standing here now just outside the Jersey entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel where thousands of angry refugees are demanding to be let back into the city. All major arteries into the city are clogged with Manhattanites who are both jubilant that Godzilla is dead--

He turns it off, and shakes his head. He looks at his father. 

Jonah: Dad?

Hicks: Yes, son?

Jonah: We can't let them back in there yet. The other one is still out there. And it could do much harm to them if they go back in. 

Hicks: I know, son. Sora and his friends are out there right now looking for it. And we'll send some divers in the river, to get the body, so we can see if it did die. 

As they talk, the mayor and his aide walk towards them. 

Mayor Elbert: Do you have any idea what's going on out there? The phones are ringing off the hook with people screaming to let back into the city.

Hicks: We're sending divers into the river now to retrieve the body. 

Mayor Elbert: That thing is dead. What are you waiting for? 

Jonah: Mr. mayor, we need to make sure that it really is dead. And the other one is still out there, remember? 

Hicks: He's right, Mr. mayor. And Sora and his friends are out there right now to find it, and deal with it. Until that other one is found and we can confirm that Godzilla is dead, we can't give the all-clear yet. 

As they talk, Elsie sees them, and talks to Hicks. 

Elsie: Colonel, colonel, we've gotta start a search for the nest. 

Hicks: Elsie, we've been through this already. 

Elsie: What if Nick and Eddie are right and we blow this whole thing? Sir, this could be the only chance we have to do something about it. 

Jonah: (Looks at her, and at his father) Dad, she's right. If Godzilla does have a nest, we could be dealing with more of those things. And that other one might be at the nest too, protecting it. We need to give Sora and his friends a hand. 

Hicks looks at his son, at Elsie, and at the mayor. He makes his decision. 

Hicks: Captain, organize a search party. I want a complete sweep of the entire city and the subway. And Jonah, go with O'Neal, and help him to find Sora and his friends. Help them terminate that monster. 

Jonah: Yes, sir. (Salutes)

Mayor Elbert: You don't have the authority to do that. 

Hicks and Jonah: (Looks at him) Try and stop us. 

They both walk away with Jonah smirking. Back at the Garden, Eddie finishes locking some doors with stuff. He runs to his brother as Phillippe ties a fire hose to the handles of the doors. They can hear them roaring from behind the doors as they bang on them. Phillippe takes out a cell phone out of his pocket, and tosses to Nick. 

Phillippe: Contact the military. And get them to send a bomber to blow up this building. 

Nick: How do I do that?

Phillippe: 5-5-5-7-6-0-0. Tell them it's a code dragonfly. That should get you through. 

He finishes tying up the handles, and he runs to lock more doors.

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