98 not good

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lu zhi's injuries were not serious, and he was discharged from the hospital after lying in the hospital for two days before being approved by the doctor.

qin sihuan almost jumped to his feet when he heard this, and reasoned with the doctor like an explosive hair: "if you look at his leg, does this look like he can be discharged from the hospital?" doctor:

"...?" "are you doubting my professionalism?"

qin zong waved his hand, "stay a few more days, we are not bad for that little money." living

in this ward, lu zhi could only stare at qin si all day long, and then it was time to play games.

the top of the road stop is going to grow mushrooms, it's boring.

after a long silence, lu zhi finally spoke up: "... qin sihuan. the

man turned his head to look at him, with concern in his eyes: "what's wrong?" what's uncomfortable? in

the early morning, there is still the fragrance of dew in the air.

lu zhi took a deep breath and resisted the urge to kill qin sihuan: "i can be discharged from the hospital." "

stay a few more days." qin sihuan insisted: "wait until the bandage is removed before being discharged." in fact, there was

nothing uncomfortable about lu zhi, but qin sihuan was so determined, he was also a little shaken.

the doctor interjected next to him: "stop, you won't be able to remove this bandage until sixty days later." lu

zhi: "!!!

lu zhi sat up from the bed, straightened his back, and said to qin sihuan, "i'm going to be discharged from the hospital, i don't want to stay here anymore." qqin sihuan lowered

his eyes, his long eyelashes lay down, and a small shadow fell on his eyelids, and then the man's brow frowned, revealing the expression of pain that he had been accustomed to seeing these days.

his voice suddenly lowered, a little hoarse: "wait until the injury is healed before you are discharged." lu zhi was

a little annoyed, he knew that qin sihuan was worried about him, so he would say so, but he was really bored living in the ward.

"uncle." lu zhi reached out, tugged at the hem of qin sihuan's shirt, hooked his index finger around the man's belt, raised his eyes, and muttered, "i want to be discharged." qin sihuan was

completely overwhelmed, his throat knot rolled up and down, his eyes darkened, like a faint prince, and he said without thinking: "good." *

after being discharged from the hospital, lu zhi and qin sihuan lived together in the villa.

i don't know what happened to qin sihuan, i didn't go back to li city, but stayed in the beijing branch, which was called "observing the people's feelings" and made the yellow ginger miserable.

qiao ding, who was staying in li city, sent a message to lu zhi every day, begging qin zong to go back quickly.

because of the leg injury, lu zhi did not go to the crew to shoot the scene, but the school curriculum still had to continue.

those physical lessons can be temporarily absent, but the line vocal music class and some electives cannot be left behind.

qin sihuan found someone to match him with a pair of crutches, and lu zhi could slowly walk a few steps with the crutch, but after the movement range was slightly larger, his left leg would still hurt.

on the first day of preparing to go to school, lu zhi got up with qin sihuan at seven o'clock. <

in order to make it easier for luzhi to move, the bedroom was moved from the second floor to the first floor, and luzhi went to the bathroom on crutches after getting dressed.

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