Chapter 1: The Nightmares Begin

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It's Friday night and Danny was patrolling around Amity Park along with his best friends, Samantha "Sam" Manson and Tucker Foley. So far the only ghosts that had shown up were Box Ghost (several times😒), Skulker and Cujo, although Cujo didn't really count since the trio basically adopted him and he lives at Sam's house. Danny had managed to perfect his parents' prototype ghost portal and made it a small ghostly doggie door fit for the pup.

Sam gave Cujo a scratch behind his ears." This is Goth One to Techno and Clueless One. I'm gonna head home for the night before I miss my curfew."

"This is Techno One to Goth and Clueless One, I'm gonna turn in as well, my mom's making bacon pancakes in the morning. If I don't wake up in time my dad will eat all of them."

"Do you even care about how many animals have died with all the meat you consume? I might just ask your parents to try my banana and tofu waffles recipe."

"Don't you even dare, or I'll convince your parents to make you audition for the school play." Tucker smirked into his Fenton phones as he reached his back door.

Sam could basically feel the smirk." Ugh, fine... I'm home anyway so I'll talk to you guys later, Goth One out." Cujo phased the two through the front door and flew Sam up to her room.

Tucker stopped in his kitchen to grab a slice of leftover cake his mom brought home from a friend's wedding. Taking a bite of the cake, Tucker spoke," All host forge, Tech no wan ute."

"First off, Tucker swallow your food. Second see you guys tomorrow, Clueless One out." Danny was almost to Fenton Works when he felt something watching him, looking around, Danny saw nothing. He was about to shrug it off when his ghost sense went off, but it felt... different somehow.

Danny slowly searched the area again and still couldn't find anything. As he got ready to leave again, Danny saw something out the corner of his eyes but all too quickly it was gone. Shaking his head Danny went home to turn in for the night.

Back at the spot Danny had searched, a tall man with dark gray skin and golden eyes emerged from the shadows. He turned to a small shadow. "You got too close, I'm powerful enough that if the boy is close enough, that strange puff of breath happens."

The small shadow moved and now appeared as a small cloud of black sand. Swirling into a small tornado, the sand took the form of a tiny bat and started chattering.

"I don't care if it was an accident, if it happens again I won't hesitate to replace you, understood!?" The man's eyes glowed brightly. The shadowy bat nodded its head. "Then get back to watching the boy!"

The little bat gave a small squeak before flying off into the night sky. Looking back he saw his master was already gone.

The little bat looked slightly disappointed, but shook it off. Flying over to Fentonworks the little shadow bat landed near Danny's bedroom window and observed him.

Danny was currently getting ready for bed. He had just put on some shorts when Jazz walked into his room.

"How'd patrol go tonight? Anything interesting happen?" Jazz was currently putting her hair into a fishtail braid.

Danny yawned," Not unless you count Box Ghost breaking into a toystore and stealing all the mystery boxes. Cujo also came out of the Ghost Zone and stole Tucker's nasty burger."

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