Chapter 14: Puppet on Your Strings

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Danny continued coughing but instead of more frost, black sand came out of his mouth. "What did- cough- did you- cough cough- to me!?"

Kitty gave the teen a pitiful smile. "I only started something my master will need to finish." She looked down at her body that was starting to deteriorate and blow away. "Look's like my time's up, don't worry I'll see you again." She blew one more dark kiss before fully fading away.

The kids attempted to get closer but Danny managed to put up another barrier around himself. "Get back! I don't know what's happening!" More sand emerged from Danny and started swirling around him.

Jamie started backing away from the green sphere. It was too much like Pitch's to be a coincidence. It made the young boy uneasy. "Guys I think we need to leave... NOW!"

As soon as the group turned to leave the sound of glass breaking echoed in the broken space. The instant feeling of dread told them not to turn around and start running, so they did. Unfortunately they didn't get very far. Danny appeared in front of the kids but his appearance was different.

Instead of 'normal' winter clothes, Danny wore a black and silver hazmat suit, white combat boots with neon green laces, fingerless white leather gloves and a hooded cloak that cast his face in shadows. Except for his eyes. That was the scariest part. Instead of their piercing baby blue, they were now a deep blood red. "I'm sorry about this." There was a flash of light and the kids along with Danny disappeared.

Pitch enjoyed the power of this Ghost Zone. It made him feel different, more powerful. He had just arrived back at his cave when he felt a new presence. The plan he and Vlad made worked. The boogeyman wasn't really surprised it worked but he was surprised at the nightmare that had gotten it done. It was one of the more weak nightmares, maybe Vlad gave this kid too much credit.

Pitch went to where he knew the boy was waiting. "Tell me about your fears and leave nothing out."

Vlad arrived as soon as Danny finished listing his worst fears. "I see our plan worked. Should we move on to phase two?"

"Not yet. My sand hasn't completely taken over his mind completely. I also want those so called guardians to squirm for a bit. Your acquaintance Spectra is speaking to their 'favorite' believers." The two men shared sinister smiles before laughing. Neither noticed frost creeping up the teen's body.

All around Danny saw darkness. Sometimes there were glimpses of light but before he could reach it it'd be gone. When he finally managed to look into a piece of light he saw those kids looking at him in fear. He tried to yell at them to start running and not look back but it was like he wasn't attached to his body. The kids looked terrified of him. Danny watched the sadly as his body's hands started glowing. "I'm sorry..."

It was completely dark again. Danny couldn't see anymore lights. He sat down and brought his knees to his chest and started sobbing quietly. Why did things like this always happen to him? Was he a trouble magnet? Was he cursed? Or did his life suck that much that he gets kidnapped by a teenager, Santa Clause and a kangaroo that was almost as tall as Frostbite only to escape and be mind controlled by someone who desperately needed a makeover and a tan.

The only good thing about being trapped in his own head was that he couldn't feel the cold feeling that refused to go away. Danny didn't know it but that meant he wasn't holding back the cold anymore. Frost was spreading rapidly across his body and the surrounding area.

The two villainous adults had left the room so they hadn't even noticed what was happening. The frost turned into snow and completely covered the teen. The snow started hardening into ice leaving Danny as a standing ice sculpture.

Inside his mind Danny was starting to see the glowing lights again. They were lasting much longer and collecting together. They were becoming too bright to look at so he closed his eyes. When  he opened them again he saw he was inside a large cavern. The white haired boy wasted no time in leaving that place, unknowingly leaving Jamie and his friends behind.

A/N: My hand hurts at the moment. I wanted to see how many chapters I could write before typing them on my laptop. I semi regret my decision. I'll post the other chapters as soon as I can. As always comment and enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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