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" We made it to the Bronx Kid", Says the taxi driver, looking back at me.

" Oh, how much is my fee?" I ask softly, looking up at him.

" $42.50", he tells me as he chews his gun loudly.

I absolutely hate when people chew gum this way, I cringe going into my purse giving him the exact change. I grab my duffle bag, getting out watching the taxi speeds off. I turn around to face the project buildings in front of me, I was a long way from my life in Chicago,  now in the bronx with my estranged father who I have not seen since I was 6 years old.

I was dreading to go but I really didn't have a choice,  it was either start a new life and figure out what I wanted to do in life,  or be stuck at a home with an abusive mother. So I had to swallow my pride and animosity I had for my dad for all these years for not being in my life.

Walking through the projects,  it was so much going on. People were staring at me which made me uncomfortable and only made me walk faster, following the instructions my father texted me this morning. He lived on the 5th floor which wasnt so bad, I just had my one bag so the walk wasn't bad.

I knock on the door three times, waiting for my father to come to the door. Finally the door swings open. He still looked the same after all these years, people say I look just like him, just the dark skin virgin. My dad is eight skin, curly light brown hair, we have the same shape face, shape eyes his I didn't get his Hazel eyes though, nose, and lips. He looks deep into my eyes, not smiling, moving aside so that I could come in.

" Let me show you around ", he says in a soft tone, his new York accent is so strong.

I follow behind him , the apartment still looked the same to much of my suprise. He still had the one bed room apartment,  it appeared to be cleaner though. It smells like weed and alcohol after all these years.

" Can I use you bathroom?" I ask him, placing my bag down on the floor by the door.

" yeah when your down come to the kitchen to", he says standing at the doorway.

" KK", I say nodding my head, I watch him walk away.

I use the bathroom,  taking a look at myself. I was dressed really cute despite feeling terrible in the inside, I didn't know how this living situation was gonna go with me and my dad, but I hope it turns our fine, he didn't even show me where I will be sleeping at. After I wash my hands, I leave out the bathroom hiding into the kitchen, he was sitting at the table on his phone.

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