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Juliet ( PART 2 OF PARTY)

It was my first official part in New York so I was excited, back in Chicago the parties was always lit but it always end up with someone fighting or someone getting shot,  maybe it won't be like that out here in New York...

" Kay how we gon fit in this small ass car?" Sticky asks as we approach the car.

" juliet can sit on my lap", B love suggests.

" Nah she can sit on my lap", Sticky says licking his lips, I inwardly roll my eyes..

" Nah my sister sitting in the front", Dougie says mugging them.

" Nah dougie you sit in the front", Kay says as he opens the car door.

" Nah man, let Julez sit up there ", Dougie says to him.

Kay sighs shaking his head, watching me walk to the passenger seat. Once we all get in, Kay speeds off blasting some G Herbo today.  The guys were talking but I was spaced out in my own world, taking in the sights around me .

I wondered about Rella, you know I wasn't really mad anymore. I was more worried. Especially the rumors Dougie has been telling me... I hope they were all lies... I also missed my father, I hope he was okay. I texted him earlier, but no response, he didn't even read this message.

" JULEZZZZZ STOP DAYDREAMING!" Dougie yells in my ear knocking me out my thoughts.

" I'm sorry, yall asked me something?" I ask him smiling.

" You know how to dance?" B love asks me.

" A lil bit", I say shrugging, but wanting to brag about my dance skills, I like to stay humble.

" You gonna get on the dance floor and show us something?" Nas asks laughing.

" Yeah, yall won't be able to catch up with me anyway", I say laughing with them.

" Well I'm the best dancer, so we gonna have to see", Dougie says.

" Dougie you just chattin", I say shaking my head.

" Now she jacking our talk", Blove says pettily causing me to laugh loudly.

" Pleaseee whatever," I say waving them off as Kay parks in front of another project building.

This time I stay close to Dougie, the guys over here looked really rough and dangerous. Many of them was had something red on rather it was a bandanna,  a shirt, or a hat. Good thing I didn't wear blue tonight like I wanted to at first...

We walk into a building,  up to the 5th floor. Kay just opens the door, walking into the packed apartment,  we manage to get through the crowd of people, to the back where the kitchen was.

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