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I got hired at the club, I start next weekend which is fine with me, the rest of the week I can enjoy. Rella isn't here today, I havent seen her since I went home from the club last night,  I left her a few text messages but she ain't respond yet.

I see my phone ringing, it was an unknown number. But it was a New York area code so I just answered.

" Yooo is this Juliet?" The guy asks me..

" Um yes, who this?" I question.

" Dougie, " he says and I start to laugh.

" How did you get my number?" I ask him.

" Don't worry about allat, you busy?" He asks me.

" Nope, I'm bored actually", I tell him.

" Kay pulling up in 5 minutes, come downstairs ", he tells me.

" Okay bet, I'm coming downstairs now," I say.

" Hurry up then ", he yells before he hangs up causing me to laugh again.

New york niggas rude as hell, I thought Chicago niggas was rude, shiddddd. I go to my room to grab my purse and then I head out the apartment , walking through the complex.  Right on the time, I spot Kay pulling up. He was looking mean like always as I slip into the passenger seat.

" Hey", I say looking over at him.

He gives me a simple head nod before he pulls off blasting king Von " went silly".

" if you ain't sucking dick, then I ain't interested bitch,  you gotta deep throat, lick on, and  spit on my shit ", I say loudly doing a little dance.

" Oh you like this song?" He asks smirking, looking at me.

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