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Tonight is my first time at the club, I look down at my outfit, it was a cute Lavender set, very sexy. I kept my make up as my usual natural look because I didn't want it to take away from the lingerie. The only accessory I had on my was my belly button ring. I'm in a dressing room, waiting for Rella to come check on me, I havent seen her in a few days but she told me she will be here today.

My nerves was starting to get to me, I was starting to second think did I really even want to do this. I know its suprises to be temporary,  but now I'm not so sure if I even wanted to do this anymore.

The door open, rella comes in a cute skimpy, pink bra and thong,  her long hair pulled into a cute bun and she wore high heels, making her taller than me.

" You look so good", she says hyping me up, slapping my ass.

" Thanks, rella I'm not sure if I wanna do this", I say to her.

" Girl it's just the nerves, let me get you a drink", she says as she walks out the room for a second and comes back with a big bottle of Casimogos.

" Uh rella I don't drink", I say to her.

" Well today you do, tilt your head back", she says grabbing my chin.

I lean my head back, opening my mouth and she starts to pour the drink in my mouth. I swallow,  but she makes me drink it some more until the bottle is half way empty. 

" So now what?" I ask her and she laughs.

" Come on, you gotta go dance before you get too drunk ", she says grabbing my hand pulling me out the door.

Walking into the club, music was blasting, dancers was everywhere, then men were throwing money and yelling, having a good time. It looked exactly how it does in movies, which kind of excited me in a way.

" Ima about to go with these niggas,  but you gon be good", she tells me as we stand in the middle of the floor.

" Wait what do you mean?" I ask looking at her crazy.

" I'm leaving the club to go with these niggas, they paying me", she tells me.

" Rella, You're really leaving me by myself on my first day", I say in disbelief.

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