Chapter 13

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"Do you have her phone number?"

Jisoo's voice travels over to her and Jennie looks up from Leo who's sleeping on top of her chest – softly purring away.

"Who's number?", the younger girl asks and Jisoo only rolls her eyes at her. "Mother Theresa's.", she snorts. "No. Chaeyoung's, of course."

Jennie gets a little nervous, because she knows what's about to come and she's not sure she's ready for that.


"Good.", Jisoo says and snaps her finger. "Tell me."

Jennie raises an eyebrow and gulps. She knows Jisoo and her impulsive style of handling problems. She's not really a fan – but right now she's grateful for any kind of input on how to fix her mistake.
Jisoo had already told her on the way back from the airport that Jennie was a complete moron and enumerated evidence – not really necessary though, because Jennie knew. She had known the second she had fucked up some days ago. And Lisa not picking up her phone and ignoring her up until now was enough for her to feel like a complete piece of shit.
So her best friend telling her to her face was non-essential and still, maybe Jennie needed to hear it from someone else than herself.

"We can't just call her.", she says but Jisoo waves her off immediately.

"That's right. We can't. But I can."

"No.", Jennie clarifies and shakes her head aggressively – which startles Leo who jumps up and looks at her with big eyes. She murmurs a sorry to him and scratches his ears softly.

"Lisa said she needed space and I want to respect that."

"And we will.", Jisoo agrees. "I only want to talk to Chaeng."

Jennie bites her lip and contemplates.

"Why?", she asks after a moment of silence and stares at the other girl – trying to figure out her plan. Usually, Jennie knows Jisoo like the inside of her pockets but right now, she couldn't pinpoint her motives.

"Because she's hot and single?", Jisoo grins and Jennie only rolls her eyes.
"You can't take anything serious, huh? This isn't like that time you're third favorite fuckbuddy went M.I.A., Chichu. This is Lisa. I'm in love with her for real."

She can feel the tears burn behind her eyes when she says those words and Jisoo is quick to sit down beside her on the couch – one arm draped behind Jennie's shoulders.

"I know. I'm sorry. Stupid joke.", the darker-haired girl admits and sends her an apologetic smile. "What I meant was, I wanna talk to Chaeyoung to feel the pulse and maybe get her to convince Lisa to talk to you."

Jennie wants to laugh at how easy Jisoo thinks problems in a relationship are being solved, but the increasing pain in her chest stops her. She knows that Jisoo often operates from an impulse, but she also knows that most times, it somehow works out. She doesn't know exactly how Jisoo does it – but when it comes to handling and solving things, she's a mysterious mastermind.
So Jennie doesn't tell her off and only shrugs – at a loss of a better plan.

"I don't know, Chu...", she trails off but one look from her friend is enough to silence her. So she reaches for her phone – careful not to disturb Leo again.
She scrolls through her contacts and then hands it over to Jisoo once she found Chaeyoung's contact information.

"Please don't make it worse.", she pleads almost in a whisper but Jisoo decides to pretend like she didn't hear her.

"It's gonna be fine Jen.", she only says and then gets up quickly – tipping away on her own mobile. "Excuse me. I'm going to make a call."


Jisoo doesn't emerge the bedroom for the next hour and Jennie starts to think that maybe she just fell asleep on the bed. She might still have jetlag for all she knows – but Jennie still doesn't have the courage to check.

Her thoughts drift off to Lisa ever so often and each time she's close to crying because she feels completely helpless.
Yes, she should have told Lisa that she wasn't outed yet to her workmates and yes she should have told her the reason – Jennie knows that now. Jennie had always known that, but she just didn't want Lisa to think that it had anything to do with her, because it didn't. Jennie just wasn't sure anymore that the other girl would believe her after everything that had happened.
If the roles were reversed Jennie most likely would be pissed too – or confused at least, but something about Lisa's silent treatment also triggered something inside the Korean that made her angry. She knew of course that she didn't have any right to be mad. However, this always had been the way her father had treated her mother whenever there was something wrong in their marriage and Jennie despised it. Not talking never did anyone any good in her eyes, so she was a firm believer of 'communication is key' and experiencing how Lisa did the exact opposite was doing things to Jennie. Things she didn't want to feel. Things she wasn't okay with.

"I've got good and bad news.", a voice startles her and she's both – happy and anxious when she looks up at Jisoo's face expectantly.

"Good news: Chaeyoung's still single and she agreed to talk to Lisa and try to get her to talk to you. Bad news: she already tried that for the past two days without any luck. Apparently, your girlfriend is very stubborn and very hurt and those two are not a good combination."

Jisoo plops down beside Jennie on the couch again and cracks her knuckles. Jennie cringes – but not only at the weird sound Jisoo's cartilage make.
It's not very promising news but Jennie sends her best friend a smile nonetheless.

"Thank you anyway.", she says defeated – yelling inwardly at herself when she realizes how she had gotten her hopes up. She always did that and it never worked out the way she imagined. It didn't really help her anxiety.

"Nothing's lost yet Jendukie. Chaeyoung seemed... very determined. I wouldn't be surprised if that girl is kicking Lisa's ass this very moment."

"Yeah, right.", Jennie snorts. "You just said it yourself... Lisa can be very stubborn."

Jisoo looks at her with a piercing look and shakes her head a little bit. "Jennie...", her tone gets serious. "Lisa loves you. I know that from a certain source. She's not gonna just let this be the end of it all because of one mistake. Maybe she just needs some more ti--."

Jisoo is being interrupted with a loud noise that makes them both go wide-eyed when they realize that it was Jennie's phone.

"I bet that's her right there.", the older one says and sends her friend a tight-lipped smile and once again, Jennie's stunned at her friend's skills of fixing things when she looks at her phone and Lisa's name appears.

let's meet tonight? 7.30 at Hyde Park? please give Leo a kiss from me and say hi to Jisoo

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