Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Lisa fiddles nervously with her key as the elevator – in her opinion – takes much too long to reach the third floor. It was the 21st century. Why the hell weren't there any faster elevators yet?

"Come on now. I would've been quicker taking the stairs.", Lisa murmurs to no one in particular but herself and the empty space surrounding her – while her left leg is bouncing up and down anxiously.

It had been about two hours since Jennie's message, and Lisa hadn't been able to stop worrying ever since.

Can you come home early today? I need to talk to you.

That was it. No further information or clarifications. No heart- or kiss-emoji. Nothing.
It was very atypical for Jennie and it unsettled Lisa – even if she knew that everything had been fine when they'd left the apartment together this morning.
Maybe something had happened during the day? At work?
Or maybe it was Leo? Maybe their precious little baby had pulled down the curtains in the living room again...

Lisa jerks up when the little bell rings - the elevator finally reaching their floor, and the Thai girl jumps out of the cabin as soon as the doors swing open. She's stepping into apartment 34 before the elevator even closes again – clearly in a rush to hopefully settle her nerves by finding out what's going on.

"Babe?", she calls from the entrance before stopping in her tracks when she hears Jennie's voice calling back at her.

"Lock the door."

Lisa suppresses a giggle at her girlfriends' demand that's become almost like a greeting ritual, because truth be told – she doesn't quite share the other girls' need for security. She's gotten better at closing and locking and protecting though, because what's important to Jennie is, of course also important to her.

Lisa takes a few steps backwards and does as she's told – a sight escaping her mouth when she realizes that Jennies' voice was quite normal, not indicating anything serious.

"Yes mom.", the tall girl shouts before taking off her jacket and rushing into the livingroom-area where she finds Jennie standing in the kitchen, cooking up some ramen.

"Who are you calling mom, huh?", Jennie grins brightly and Lisa feels a weight being lifted off her shoulders at the sight.

She doesn't even notice that she's staring until the Korean sends her a questioning side-glance before addressing her.

"What's with the pout and the lack of proper greeting?"

Lisa breaks free from her thoughts and takes a step to place a light kiss on Jennies' cheek.

"Sorry.", she apologizes quickly and makes an effort to change her frown into a happy smile. "I guess I was a little anxious about your message."

Jennie stops stirring – placing the spoon on the kitchen counter before turning to face her girlfriend who shrugs nonchalantly.

"Oh sweetheart, no. I'm sorry about that. It's nothing bad, don't worry.", she coos as she steps right into Lisa's space and places both of her hands on heated cheeks.
Lisa's quick to cover them with her own and closes her eyes at the tingle Jennies' touch sends through her body. She so badly hopes that she never stops responding to her girlfriends' proximity like this.

"I know that... It was stupid, sorry."

Jennie shakes her head slightly before giving Lisa a pointed yet soft look – her thumbs stroking the taller girls' face.

"You don't have to apologize. For that, anyway. But you sure do need to say sorry for giving me this lame excuse of a kiss."

Lisa grins at that statement – an act which the smaller girl mimics immediately, before she bends down with another apology on her lips.
Her mouth is covered by her girlfriends' before she can utter it out though and they both melt into each other as soon as their lips touch – the familiarity so soothing that it elicits a moan from Jennie that makes Lisa smile into the kiss even more.

Apartment 34 // JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now