Chapter 25

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Jennie looks at herself in the mirror – spinning on the spot so she can check each and every angle of her new outfit, smoothening out a few wrinkles of the dress.
She glances back with a frown on her face.

"What do you think?", she asks and places herself in front of her laptop and flaps her arms up and down. "I'm not really sure about the dress."

There's just a loud snort audible.
"Are you kidding me, Jennie?", Jisoo says almost angrily. "You look incredible. Lisa won't know what hit her."

Jennie blushes and shakes her head – grimacing at her best friend through the screen.

"It's not too much?", she asks again and the older Korean is quick to shake her head forcefully.

"It fits the occasion.", Jisoo grins and then she's suddenly out of the picture – leaving behind a rather confused Jennie who's now only staring at the surroundings of Jisoo's bedroom.

"Speaking of....", Jennie hears Jisoo shout from somewhere else in her flat and then she suddenly appears again – holding a bottle of Champagne hands.

"Thanks for giving me a reason to day-drink, bestie!"

She laughs as the younger girl rolls her eyes – the bottle being opened only a second after, the loud "plop" startling Jennie. She shrieks and Jisoo only grins at her.

"God, you really have no manners.", Jennie snarls when the other girl lifts the bottle into the air as if to toast and then brings it to her lips to drink right out of it.

"I wanna get wasted – no time for glasses. They're overrated anyway, if you ask me."

"I'm glad I didn't ask then.", Jennie laughs, but then her face gets a little more serious because she realizes the hint behind her best friend's words and the slight crooked smile on Jisoo's face.
Jennie moves closer to her laptop – placing it on her tights after she sits down on the bed.

"What's up, Chu? Why do you want to get drunk on a Wednesday afternoon?", she asks – her tone soft and caring.

"Wednesday morning, you mean.", the Korean corrects and shrugs – taking another big gulp of Champagne as if to showcase that she's actually drinking and not just talking about it.

"Whatever.", Jennie mumbles before falling silent again – leaving Jisoo all the time she needs to formulate her answer.

"It's no big deal, really.", the darker haired tries to escape the situation. "I just feel like it."

"Last time you drank on a workday was after I told you I'm moving to America. So... you can quit the bullshit, Chu."

"Oi, language, Missy!", Jisoo scolds and lifts her eyebrows.

"Fuck you.", Jennie retorts – earning another gasp from her best friend who fake-shocked places her palm on her chest.

"Much better.", Jisoo grins – her face falling again after that and Jennie's concern increases. Sure, she's got an idea what this was about, but she wanted to hear it from her best friend nonetheless.

It takes Jisoo another good minute of drinking the bubbly alcohol before she's able to say it.

"Okay. So, remember how I told you about Chaeng and how we're talking like... non-stop?"

Jennie just nods.

"Well... a few days ago she told me how she's not really interested in something serious and.... it's not like I was expecting anything else – you know me, I don't do serious anyway. But... this time... I don't know. This one just hit different. Even though I really hadn't anything in mind. Really! But... I just... dunno... It kinda hurt, I guess."

Apartment 34 // JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now