Chapter 32 - The last one

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Chapter 32 – The last one

"Home sweet home.", Lisa sings as she unlocks and swings open the door to Apartment 34 and steps aside to let Jennie wheel in their suitcase.

"God, I can't wait to get to bed.", Jennie yawns once she got rid of her jacket and hung it on the wardrobe.

She almost jumps a little when there are two arms circling around her waist and Lisa pulls her into her front – resting her hands on her stomach and her head on the smaller girls' shoulder.

"Well someone's eager...", Lisa grins and kisses Jennies' neck softly.

She gets a little push into her side by an elbow and a shake of her girlfriends' head.

"Not like that, Lisa.", Jennie scolds. "What is it with you? You're insatiable today."

"What do you mean today?", Lisa feigns offensiveness. "I'm always insatiable when it comes to you, love."

Jennie snorts and pulls away to turn in the bigger girls' arms and locks eyes. Lisas' are glistening with that little sparkle she always gets when she's... well... you know. In that mood.

"Oh don't I know it. The wedding was definitely proof of that."

"Mhh.", Lisa purrs – slowly pulling Jennie in more by her waist - eyes never leaving each other's.
"Can't blame me when you dress like that though now, can we?"

Jennie rolls her eyes and pushes back against Lisas' shoulders – not with much determination though.

"Could've still waited until we were back at the hotel."

"And miss out on having you behind a huge wall of wedding floral arrangements? I don't think so."

"You're lucky no one saw that.", Jennie states – pushing against the other girls' shoulders once more, only to have Lisa pull her even closer. Everything touching now except for their faces and she felt herself getting hot all over and her fatigue vanishing by the second.

"You're lucky no one saw that.", Lisa smirks – but Jennie only raises one eyebrow at that.

"Oh really now? Well it wasn't my face that was pushed between--."

Lisa cuts her off by crashing her lips against hers. Hard. And Jennie can't stop the whimper that escapes her mouth even if she wanted to.

"You were so fucking hot riding my face like that though.", Lisa all but whispers and if Jennie hadn't already been soaking wet down there – her girlfriends sultry voice would've for sure sealed the deal.

When Lisa bends down to kiss her again, Jennies' knees almost give out from underneath her. She has to hold onto Lisas' neck for some stability.

"You wanna go repeat that, maybe, or are you too jet-lagged to--."

Jennie's quick to shush her by placing her index finger on Lisa's lips.

"Shut up and take me to bed."


Lisa moves her fingers up Jennies' arm – only a whisper of a touch – making goosebumps rise and eyes flutter close.

She smiles at the power that simple gesture holds and revels in the way it makes butterflies erupt in her stomach.

She'll never get enough of this. That's one thing she's sure of.

So she does it again. Just for good measure. And when Jennie practically squirms under her touch she can't help the grin that spreads on her face.

And then Jennie pouts when she retracts her hand from her skin and it's the single most adorable thing Lisa has ever seen.
God, she's so in love with this woman – it should be scary. Only that Lisa's not scared. Of anything.
And she wants Jennie to know that.

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