Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

She can feel Jennies' nervousness even though she's way across the room – but then again, she could probably even feel it wherever in the world she was.

It had been something that had developed over time, obviously, but now she just had that internal flair about Jennie and everything she was feeling – whether her girlfriend wanted her to or not.

Jennie refers to it as her "Jen-detector" and sometimes it riles her up – how easy Lisa can read her, because she wants to be the strong one in their relationship as well. And she is – according to Lisa, but Jennie seems to think differently from time to time and tries to hide things she deems a weakness.

Like not busting into her parents' house waving a Pride-flag and introducing Lisa as her girlfriend within the first three seconds.

But it's not a debility – not by a long shot. Not to Lisa, who had seen Jennie being a living anxiety-ball this whole morning – changing outfits so many times she'd lost count.

So she tries to let Jennie know, without using any words, that it's okay. That they're okay – and will be, too. Whatever happens in this house today.

She does so by sending her girlfriend a soft smile over the top of Mr. and Mrs. Kims' heads – as they excitedly tell her how much they love Thai-food after finding out that she's from there.

She thinks that Jennie gets it, because her shoulders relax somewhat and she moves a little closer from where she was standing by the window.

When she takes a seat on the couch next to her mother, her hand brushes Lisas' shoulder by passing and it's enough to let her know that she gets it.

"So, Lisa.", her mother addresses – her whole body facing the younger woman. "Tell me what is it you do, when you're not busy preparing delicious domestic meals."

Her voice is chipper and it's so similar to Jennies' that Lisa almost forgets that she's supposes to answer.
It's only when Jennie nudges her foot – making it look like she just accidentally brushed against it – that she regains focus and clears her throat.

"Oh erm, I'm a dance instructor at a school in uptown New York.", she explains slowly – trying to grasp Mrs. Kims' reaction.
Her face remains as cheerful as it had been ever since she and Jennie had stepped foot into their home and even Jennies' father – a man of rather few words, or facial expressions – leans forward in his seat interested.

"That's quite an impressive occupation.", he states – and it's probably not meant to sound degrading or anything, but in the corner of her eyes, Lisa can see Jennie stiffen a little bit.

But Lisa's had her fair share of these conversations about her choice of career – even with her own parents – so she knows not to invest too much.

"It is. I'm very blessed to have made my passion and love for dancing my profession. And even though I don't make as much money as other people, it's enough for a humble life in New York City."

She sends them a smile and watches as Jennie's mother nods enthusiastically at her words.

"I think it's very nice that you do something you actually like to do, dear.", she says and then sends her husband a pointed look. "Isn't that right, honey?"

Mr. Kim sits up a little straighter as he nods slowly. "That is right, yes. Although I myself was brought up a little differently. And so was Jennie."

The tension in the room shifts – and Lisa can feel Jennies' fear when she meekly speaks up.

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