Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

"You're what?"

Lisa presses her phone closer to her ear, because she's pretty sure she just misheard her best friends' last words.

She hears Chaeyoung giggle on the other side of the line and it irritates her quite a lot. She's known this girl for the better part of her life and if the blonde was anything, it for sure wasn't spontaneous.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me.", Chaeyoungs' amused voice rings out and Lisa rolls her eyes because she doesn't know what else to do.

"I think I heard you say that you're flying to Korea next week, but that's so absurd that I'm not too sure."

"Well, I'm glad your hearing is still working. My flight's on Tuesday.", Chaeyoung explains casually, and Lisa's pretty sure that she's able to hear the smile on the other girls' face. Still, this knowledge doesn't defuse her bewilderment about this announcement.

"I... I'm a little stunned, to be honest.", Lisa admits – drumming her fingers on the coffee cup placed on the little table in front of her. "I thought you said that you don't want to get into another relationship right now."

She hears Chaeyoung sight on the other end of the call as she waits for a response to her implied question.
Clearly her best friend was allowed to make her own decisions, but she just wanted to make sure that she'd really thought this through.

"I did, and that's still accurate. I'm not going because I want to pursue anything with her, but because her sister is getting married and they offered me a gig at the ceremony, Lisa."

"I know that.", the Thai girl states slowly. "I just don't want you to get over your head. Attending a wedding together can be pretty intimate."

Chaeyoung laughs again. It's short and placatory and Lisa feels herself ease at the sound of it.

"I appreciate your concerns, honey. And you're right, maybe it's tad too much, but I'm not rushing into anything. I know that's what you fear. We talked it through – don't worry."

Lisa nods absent-mindedly as she shifts a little in her seat – feeling a certain vibe from her friends' words and contemplating if she should address it or not.

Chaeyong wouldn't be Chaeyoung though if she didn't pick up on Lisa's inner turmoil immediately though. No matter if it's over a phone call or face to face.

"What is it, Lili? I can practically hear the wheels turn in your brain right now.", she informs, pushing Lisa to speak up.
The dark-haired takes her time – letting some seconds pass before stating the obvious.

"You miss her, don't you?"

She can see Chaeyoung bite her lips before her inner eyes because admitting something to oneself is a lot different than in front of another person. Lisa knows this. Speaking things out somehow always makes them more real.

But she also knows how they've always triggered the most honest versions in each other and how that's the best part of their friendship. And Chaeyoung's answer confirms that.

"Yeah. I do. Very much so."

"Then you should tell her when you're there. Opinions are allowed to change. You don't have to hold on to your words forever."

The line goes silent once again then and Lisa wonders if maybe she still overstepped a little bit – but then she hears a soft chuckle from the other girl and she can't stop the smile spreading on her face.

"You know what? Maybe I will. I just wished you could be there, helping me listen to my heart better."

Lisa snorts and it almost scares the older lady sitting on the table beside her. The Thai girl sends her an apologetic look as she answers.

"I don't think Jennie's ready to face her old life in Korea yet, but hey – I know you and your heart can handle it just fine. Otherwise, I'm just a phone call away. And if anything bad happens, tell Jisoo that I'll kill her."

"Sure. I'll tell her. It's always good to make your host laugh."

Lisa gasps loudly at that.

"Oi, Chaeyoung-ah! So disrespectful. I could take on Chichu anytime."

The laugh coming from her best friend is kinda offending – but it's hard to be mad at her when the blonde giggles like that.

"Sure you could, Lisa.", Chaeyoung states with the smallest hint of tease. "Anyway, I need to run. I still have to record a demo before my gig tonight."

"Okay.", Lisa accepts easily. "See you soon?"

"Of course. Oh, and Lisa?"


"Thank you."

She ends the call with a slightly lighter feeling in her chest, before checking the time again. It was already 20 minutes after their meeting time and Lisa started to get a little nervous.
It's not like she was actually afraid that something happened, but New York wasn't exactly the safest city in the world and after watching that serial-killer-documentation on Netflix last night....

Lisa jumps when suddenly her sight gets blocked mid-thought – relaxing the second she smells a hint of vanilla and feels the smoothness of the fingers covering her eyes.

"Guess who it is.", an even softer voice whispers against her ear and the way it sends a chill down her spine is actually quite ridiculous.

Lisa grins and hums – pretending to be thinking about her answer.

"Hmmm... I'm not sure. I think I need more hints."

She doesn't have to wait long until she feels herself being shifted a bit and then there are lips on hers, placing a timid kiss there.
Lisa misses them the moment they're gone and she puckers her own – asking for more.

When her wish is being denied, she pouts, which earns her another kiss.

"Mhhh...", the Thai girl hums again, this time in appreciation though. "Too easy now. There's really only one person with lips like that."

"You better say the right name now, babe."

Lisa laughs happily – removing the hands on her face slowly.

Jennie looks at her with big, expecting eyes – a spark in them that almost takes Lisa's breath away.

"That's cheating, you know.", she mumbles as the grin on her face grows with every passing second.

"Oh boy. Can I make a suggestion for my punishment?", Lisa asks – pulling at the other girls' hands so she has to bend down more until they're face to face.

Jennie shrugs nonchalantly.

"You can give it a shot I guess."

Lisa not so subtly casts a look at Jennie's mouth before licking her lips – momentarily forgetting that they're in a public place.

"Can I get more of those?", she questions, leaving no doubt about what she's referring to.

"How is that a punishment?", Jennie giggles as Lisa draws even closer to her. "It would be a punishment if I denied them to you."

Lisa's eyes momentarily flicker from the older girls' lips up to her playful eyes.

"You wouldn't...", she starts, but when she eventually wraps her mind around what's happening, Jennie's already wiggled herself out of her grip – making a run for it.

"Catch me if you can."

"Yah! Jennie!", Lisa calls after her – quickly grabbing her stuff and throwing some dollars on the table before rushing after her girlfriend with a face-eating smile on display.

This girl really was something else. In the best way possible.

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