Chapter 20

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"That was Chaeng.", Lisa says when she enters the livingroom – throwing her phone onto the kitchen-island carelessly. "Her and Jisoo are at Central Park enjoying the sun. They'll come back here before dinnertime."

"Okay.", Jennie returns absent mindedly – too busy with petting Leo who lays with her on the couch. Her eyes are fixed on the kitten as she strokes his smooth fur. When he purrs and stretches out, Jennie giggles softly at him – making the smile on Lisa's face grow as well.
For a moment, Lisa just stands there – watching the glow in her girlfriend's eyes increase. It makes her heart skip a few beats – the way Jennie looks right now, all happy and relaxed. That's the way she should always be and Lisa makes a mental note to herself that this is her goal in life from now on.

"You're so beautiful."

Lisa's words make Jennie look up – her feline eyes squinting a little bit as she bites the inside of her cheek.

"I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.", Jennie smirks. "That's not exactly the epitome of beauty."

"As if that matters.", Lisa waves her off – making her way over to where Jennie is laying and sitting down beside her, lifting the other girl's feet into her lap. "You're always beautiful. Although..."
She stops mid-sentence to slowly move her fingers from Jennie's legs up to where the waistband of her pants and the hem of her pullover meet. "I must admit that you'd also look good without all this stuff."

Jennie snorts and shakes her head. "You mean, without the clothes?"

Lisa hums and nudges up the Korean's hoodie a tiny bit – her eyes linger on the small strip of skin it reveals. She strokes it with her index finger and Jennie almost jumps at the touch. It's fleeting, but it almost drives her crazy.
Lisa just somehow knew from the very beginning how and where to touch her, to make her feel all sort of things and it amazes Jennie up to this day how natural it seems to come to her. But then again, almost every touch of Lisa's made her skin tingle and burn anyway.

"Can you remove that?", Lisa voices out – getting back Jennie's attention as she picks on her sweater lightly. "I gotta check something."

Jennie playfully rolls her eyes as she pulls herself up in a semi-upright position – Leo jumping off the couch to go lay in his kitten-bed the second Jennie moves a bit too hard for his liking.
Jennie gently kicks Lisa's side with her foot and raises an eyebrow.

"You gotta check something? Underneath my hoodie?", she repeats and sends the other girl a knowing look.

"Yeah.", Lisa states and shrugs nonchalantly as she slowly moves to hover over Jennie's body. "It's a very important scientific review, actually. I have to check a thesis, you see."

"Aaaah.", Jennie nods and moves her hands down to the end of her hoodie – grasping the hem. "Well, if that's the case... Wouldn't want to stand in the way of science now, would I."

"You better not.", Lisa mumbles as she straddles Jennie's lower legs and in one swift move helps her girlfriend remove the sweater – leaving the smaller girl her sports bra. Her hair gets a little messy in the process but it's not like Lisa would've realized, because the second Jennie's hoodie is gone, her eyes are fixed on her now bare stomach. It almost elicits a moan from Jennie, the way Lisa's eyes get ten shades darker and she licks her lips repeatedly.

The Thai girl moves her hands on either side of the older girl's side's and slowly lowers her head until her nose almost hits Jennie's stomach. She's slow with her moves and Jennie almost wants to smack her for teasing her like this – but she doesn't, because she somehow likes it and Lisa obviously knows that.
It takes her more than five seconds until her lips meet Jennie's skin just underneath her right hip bone and this time, she can't suppress the deep groan leaving her parted lips.
Given any other situation, Jennie would've been embarrassed at how strongly her body reacted to this small touch – but not with Lisa on top of her and certainly not when she can clearly feel the other girl's mouth turn into a smile as she leaves a trail of more open-mouthed kisses up her belly.

She doesn't even realize that she had closed her eyes to savor the contact, until Lisa's tongue licks the spot just where her jawline meets her neck.

"Fuck.", Jennie pants and throws her head back automatically – but before she knows what happened, Lisa pushes herself up on her slender arms to look down at the other girl's face.
When Jennie reluctantly opens one eye, she's met with a very cocky smile and sparkling eyes.

"What? What happened? Why did you stop?", she asks and surprises herself by how frustrated she sounds.

Lisa's smirk just grows bigger and bigger and Jennie's close to kick her shin or something. What the hell was wrong with this girl – stopping mid-way of foreplay.

"My thesis has been confirmed.", Lisa grins and sends Jennie a not-subtle-at-all wink. "My job here is done."

She bends back and moves to sit back over at the other end of the couch.

"What the fuck, Manoban? Come back and finish what you started, right now.", Jennie commands and she actually starts to feel a little annoyed. What on earth was Lisa playing here? Did she want Jennie to die, or something?

"Oh, so bossy.", Lisa teases and casts a look over to where Jennie's still laying in her sweats and bra. "Only if you ask nicely and tell me that I'm still a cool badass."

There's a little moment of silence in which Lisa's smirk grows bigger again and Jennie rolls her eyes.

"So that's what this is about. You want to regain your coolness-status because you were too much of a cutie-pie these days?"

"If you call me cutie-pie one more time, you're never ever getting laid again.", Lisa scoffs and makes Jennie laugh loudly.

"Okay then, I'll just do it myself.", the Korean shrugs and just like that starts removing her sweatpants.

"Wait, what?", Lisa's taken aback – gulping down several times when Jennie's hand disappears in her underwear. "No, no, no, no... That's not fair.", the younger one whines – her eyes wide as she sits and watches her girlfriend.

"Come and help me then.", Jennie murmurs seductively – a small laugh escaping her mouth when Lisa's back on top of her not one second later.

"You're so mean.", the Thai girl declares, but Jennie just grins and pulls Lisa's head down until their swollen lips collide.

"Who's the badass now, huh?", she mumbles against Lisa – who simply replies with her tongue pushing inside Jennie's mouth.

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