Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Lisa sets down the seven shopping bags – or were it eight? Truth be told she stopped counting about an hour ago – and lets herself fall onto the chair with a sigh of relief.

On the opposite end of the table, Jisoo does the same – a pained expression on her face.

"If I have to try on one more dress today, I'm going to pass out. Or vomit. Or both."

"Hopefully not in that order though. That would be dangerous."

"Oh dear, would you miss me?"

"Terribly.", Chaeyoung smirks as she takes place on the chair closer to Jisoo and sends the raven haired a wink to which Lisa only groans louder.

"You guys are like, so gross."

Something comes flying her way and she's too slow to react before it collides with her head.
It's half of a Granola-bar. She blows on it before taking a bite in spite – knowing full well that Chaeyoung wanted that.

"Don't talk about Rosé like that.", Jisoo scolds as she bites into the other half of the bar that's still in her hand.

Lisa only grunts at that and shakes her head at her best friend.

"Still can't believe you let her call you that."

"What?", Cheyoung – or Rosé now, as it seems – shrugs and taps the older Koreans shoulder. Jisoo silently puts the last bite of Granola into her mouth and Lisa gags.

"I think it's cute.", the blonde continues with her mouth full.

Lisa narrows her eyes as she mumbles something along the lines of "traitor", before meeting Jisoos' questioning and slightly aggerated gaze – clearly wanting her to elaborate before shit would get down.

"Last year of college I wanted to establish a cutesy pet name for my friend here." She waves into Chaeyoungs general direction.

"But Miss 'I think it's cute' wasn't pleased, so, to everyone's disappointment, it didn't stick."

"Good Lord, Lalisa. That pet name was not cutesy, it was shit and you know it."

When Lisa sends her a sad look, the blonde rolls her eyes deliberately.

"Don't you dare go all kicked-puppy at me. You know damn well that 'chipmunk' wasn't meant to be cute in the first place. It was a very lame and --."

She stops talking altogether when Jisoo leans forward in her chair and murmurs "Chipmunk" a few times quietly, as if to see how it would sound coming from her own mouth.
Then she gazes longingly – again, gross – at Lisas' best friend whose eyes have gone all big and sweet listening to it.

"Chipmunk.", she repeats one last time before a soft smile appears on her face. "I like it."

Lisas' eyebrows rise so high, they almost get caught in her hair. Chaeyoung skillfully ignores her and turns to Jisoo even more – now almost face to face with the raven haired beauty.

"You do?", she merely whispers as she looks – very not subtly – down at the other girls lips and bites down on her own.

"Yeah.", Jisoo answers in something that could only be described as a whiff of a breath and Lisa throws her arms in the air – desperately shaking her head.

"You guys realize I'm still here, right?", she asks in a tormented voice.

It does nothing to break the very heavy eye-fucking her friends are currently at. If anything the tension even grows when Jisoos' low voice sights "You could also not be here anymore, Manoban. If you could just take a hint."

There are many absolutely clever and genius comebacks on her tongue – figures – but she's saved from any further awkwardness when God decides to show her some mercy and Jennie appears behind them.

She stands there – smile radiant on her face, for a few seconds, before she catches the tension surrounding her and her chipper visage changes into one big question-mark.

"What's going on here?", she asks – looking at Lisa and the visible distress in her big eyes. "Did something happen?"

Chaeyoung and Jisoo – now sitting very calm and normal in their seats, just look up at her and shrug.

"I think Lisa has one of these days.", Jisoo has the audacity to state and Lisa gaps at her, not believing her ears.

"Yeah.", her best friend in the entire world – that snake – joins in as they both get up from where they had been sitting. "I think Lili needs some water. You still got that bottle in your purse, Jen?"

And then they are off – dragging along their many bags with wedding attire – leaving Lisa with her mouth hanging open and Jennie grabbing, one eyebrow risen, her water bottle.

"Here.", Jennie says as she presses it into Lisas' hands – and there's a touch of worry in her tone that catches the younger ones' attention.

She kisses Jennie's temple soothingly and her girlfriend understands right away.

Her giggle floors Lisa – like how the heck does she do that – and wipes away the traces of betrayal on her face.

"They been giving you a hard time again?", she wants to know – her voice light and maybe a tad teasing and Lisa groans again.

"I'm not the one needing water, that much I'm telling you."

She looks at their two friends, now slowly walking out of the boutique – hand in hand and narrows her eyes at them.

"They do. Holy water, in fact."

Jennies' laugh echoes around the store as she takes Lisas' face into her small hands and strokes her rosy cheeks softly.

"Oh my poor baby.", she coos' and Lisas' knees go a little weak at that.

Jennie juts out her bottom lip and makes a sad face that has Lisa in a puddle within a mere second.

"Did the big girls annoy you?", she asks in her voice she usually only uses with toddlers – but who's Lisa to complain when she's being babied by her girlfriend. She likes it, okay? Sue her.

When she nods her hanging head, Jennie coos again.

"Did they make fun of you?"
Her voice is still at a key that makes Lisa either wanting to be her baby or to put one in her.
The latter option increasingly more up Lisa's alley the closer Jennie steps into her personal space - now only inches apart and Lisa tries, really, she does, to look into her girlfriends pretty eyes, but when Jennie coos yet again, she can't help herself – she's only human after all.

She looks down just in time to see Jennie wet her lips with her tongue and Lisa almost groans. She holds back merely by chance.

"If only there'd be a way to cheer my baby up again...", the older one hums and places her index finger on her bottom lip and looks up at the ceiling as if thinking hard.

The teasing gets Lisa very hot in all the right – and wrong – places and she whines and squirms as she grips her girlfriends waist and squeezes.

"I know something.", she almost stutters – moving so close she can feel Jennies' breath on her face as feline eyes lock with hers again.

"Oh yeah?", comes a husky reply.

"Oh yeah!", Lisa clarifies and surges forward – catching Jennies' plump lips in a searing kiss that doesn't stop for at least some minutes.
Even though they're in a store and people can see - it doesn't matter.

They're both a little bit of a mess once they catch their breath – foreheads pressed against one another's.

Lisa smiles her million-dollar smile before it's replaced by a mischievous smirk.

"What?", Jennie asks – grinning back.

"Uh... I think I need that water now."

Jennie only laughs.

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