Chapter 17

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"I'm never drinking again in my life."

Lisa lets her head drop into her hands for support and closes her eyes – the bright sunlight increasing her headache.

"You're such a whimp.", Jisoo snorts from her seat opposite of the Thai girl while she pours herself another cup of coffee. She's the only one who looks not-dead at the table and for Jennie's liking, she enjoys that fact far too much.

"I would slap you, but I'm too hungover to move.", Lisa replies – not even opening her eyes while speaking. Her head is still supported by her hands in order for her not to fall face first into her breakfast plate.
Jennie pushes a glass of water over the table until it hits Lisa's elbow, making the Thai girl open one eye.

"Drink up.", Jennie commands and pours herself a glass.
"I'm really not thirsty at all.", Lisa complains but quickly surrenders when she's met with a very stern look from the cat-eyed girl – downing the water in a few big gulps.

"Whipped.", Jisoo comments and leans back in her chair – casting a short look over at Chaeyoung who's silently picking at her food. It didn't slip Jennie's attention that the two of them hadn't really spoken much today – and even less with each other. She hadn't wanted to intrude but still, it confused her a little, especially after finding the two girls all snuggled up on their couch that morning.

She decides to ask Jisoo about it later – redirecting her attention back to Lisa who looks like she might fall asleep any second, so Jennie softly nudges her shoulder.

"I'm sorry.", Lisa immediately mumbles and sends her a smile that – even though it's small – makes Jennie's heart skip a beat. She doesn't even care that she can feel her best friend roll her eyes when she leans forward and kisses her girlfriend's cheek.

"Maybe we should order Lili a Bloody Mary.", the oldest one at the table throws in – earning a groan from Lisa in return.

"Please stop talking about alcohol. It makes me wanna puke on you.", she says and looks up to find Jisoo grinning at her.

"Don't blame me. It's not my fault you can't handle your liquor Lili."

"And please stop calling me that. Only Jennie's allowed to give me pet names."

Jisoo takes a sharp intake of air and holds up her hands in front of herself defensively. "Ouch, way to hurt my feelings, Manoban. After our talk yesterday I thought we got close, but I guess not then..."

Lisa shakes her head and gestures for Jisoo to stop talking – but Jennie's too attentive for her own good.

"What talk?", she asks – her puzzled eyes moving from one girl to the other and back.

"Nothing.", Lisa answers a little bit too quickly – making Jennie even more interested in the topic. She raises an eyebrow and cocks her head slightly, making sure to both of them that she expected an explanation right away.

Her best friend only grins and points at the Thai girl who somehow looks rather flustered.

"I'll leave this one for Lisa to answer.", Jisoo grins and parries the napkin that gets thrown at her from the other side of the table.

When the Thai girl meets Jennie's intense look, she sights and bites her lower lip and adverts her gaze – looking into the Korean's dark orbs.

"It's nothing, really... We were just... talking. Yesterday. When Chaeng and you went to the bathroom – which took forever by the way – Jisoo and I had a conversation."

"About what?", Jennie asks further – her eyes moving to give her best friend a pointed look as well. Jisoo only lifts her shoulders and her eyebrows and stays silent.

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