Chapter 9: Bonnie and me

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Me and Bonnie were just chatting when he asked me something. "Will you go out with me sometime?" "Yes!" I answered. see Vincent I told you that robots can love! We went out of the parts and service and into the dining room. We sat down. "So, I wonder why Foxy is being mean to you." Bonnie wondered. "He likes mangle better than me. We are not meant for each other." "Foxy wanted mangle not you and I understand. I've been cheated on by toy Chica before. She wanted toy Freddy not me." "Well um how did this happen? And who is toy Chica?" "She's one of the new and improved animatronics. Lucky them. They are just spoiled little jerks." "Well except balloon boy." "Who's that?" "The kid looking animatronic he's in the prize corner next door to me" "well is he nice?" "Yep he's practically one of my best friends." "All of my friends are Foxy, Chica, Freddy and you." "Wait... Foxy?" "Yep he's my best friend but sometimes we don't get along." "Well can you talk to him?" "Possibly, it depends on what time it is." "Okay" I started to lean towards Bonnie. I was getting tired. I leaned up against his shoulder and that was the end of that night. When I woke up it was already 12 am. I went over to the parts and service room and I saw Bonnie and Foxy talking. "Okay can you be a little more nicer to polar?" "NEVER!" Screeched Foxy. "I never liked her." "Foxy if your being like that I'm not being your friend anymore. I've never seen you this rude." "WELL TOO BAD ME AND MANGLE WILL BE TOGETHER!" "Foxy get a FREAKING LIFE!" Bonnie screamed at Foxy. He then slammed the parts and service room door on Foxy. "Was he mean?" I asked "yep you're right foxy is a freaking jerk." "Yea I'm glad me and Foxy aren't together." I giggled "yep. Polar you always make me smile and I have a question." "What is it?" My heart pounded heavy. "Will you be my girlfriend?" "YES!" Bonnie hugged me and kissed me. It was the happiest night of my lifeless life.

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