Chapter 19: The Final Chapter

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I froze. Oh no. Vincent hit me with the hankcrank. My eyes began to shut. I was in Fredbear's diner again. Is this a flash back? That means that I'm dead. Fredbear or golden Freddy was on stage with Springtrap. "Hey everyone! Welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner! A magical place where kids and grown ups alike get to have fun!" Fredbear spoke. In the audience I saw my younger brother. "I don't like this place! P-please stay away!" Adam muttered. "Don't worry kid! Here at Fredbear's diner we-" "I DON'T CARE JUST S-STAY AWAY!" Adam screamed. "..." Fredbear stopped speaking. "Fredbear! We should help this kid out! He seems scared!" Springtrap giggled. "He seems frightened. Maybe we should help him make friends." Fredbear agreed. "NO! PLEASE-" Adam screamed. 5 plushies we're thrown in his face. Springtrap was off stage and had a purple guy inside him. "Hehehe. Here kiddo! 5 free plushies!" Vincent said in a goofy voice. There was Fredbear, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy plushies. He took them home. As soon as he got home his brother scared him. "Aaaaaugh! Don't do that!" Adam screamed. Then 1 week later. "Hey! He wants to give Fredbear a kiss!" His older brother said. "On 3. 1, 2, 3!" They all shoved Adam into Fredbear's mouth. Moisture oh no! Fredbear thought. The springlocks broke loose and Fredbear bit down on Adam's frontal lobe. The 4 teens were laughing. What jerks! I thought. Then I woke up. I didn't seem to be in my animatronic body anymore. I saw 4 other spirits. "Polar! They got you too!" Freddy or Adams spirit spoke. "We need to stop Vincent!" I demanded. "Yea!" Chica agreed. Everyone agreed. We floated across the pizzaria floor. We were able to go in the safe room for some reason. "Hehehe. I can't believe those buckets of bolts felt for it!" Vincent laughed. There was a Springtrap suit in the safe room. It seemed to move. "You pathetic killer!" Springtrap spoke. "Oh really? Your just a suit waiting to be used!" Vincent laughed. Springtrap got up and jumped onto Vincent. Springtrap bit into Vincent's other arm. Before his arm was torn off he used his handcrank on Springtrap. "Auuuuuggh!" Springtrap grunted. Then before my very eyes Fredbear appeared in the room. "YOU KILLED SPRINGTRAP!" Golden Freddy screeched. "YOU WILL PAY!" Golden Freddy pounced on Vincent but Vincent kicked him off with his two feet. Vincent bit onto the hankcrank with his teeth. He slammed his body onto Golden Freddy. This guy is unstoppable! Golden Freddy was hit by the hankcrank and dropped to the floor. Then a friend that I haven't seen in a long time appeared. "YOU MURDERED THESE CHILDREN!" The Puppet screamed. "Oh did I?" Vincent muttered. The puppet lounged at Vincent but was hit by the hankcrank too. They each appeared as ghosts. We each went into the safe room. "What! Get away from me!" Vincent screamed. I chased him "YOU WILL DIE!" I screamed. I chased Vincent all the way across the room. He bumped into the Springtrap suit. He put the suit on to fool us. "HEHEHE HAHAHA WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?! HAHAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA HAHAHA!" Vincent laughed. It was raining. The tiniest drop of moisture can cause the spring locks to break loose. "HAHAHAHA! Uh.... crack oh no." Vincent regretted. CRACK! Came the first springlock. "AAUUUUUUGGGH!" Vincent wailed in pain. Blood started to splatter out of his stomach. CRRRAAACK! Came another springlock. He wailed even more than the last time. Blood splattered near his neck this time. CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAACCCKK! Came the final springlock. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" Blood splattered everywhere this time and mostly his head. He sat limply in a position. Blood was all over the floor. "YAY! We did it!" Chica chirped in surprise. "I.... guess this is it. Are our souls being set free? If so..." Bonnie stammered. Bonnie held my hand. "I... love you Polar." Bonnie said romantically. I blushed. Bonnie leaned close to me. Just before we were about to kiss everything else got quiet. "Uh... guys?" Freddy asked them in fear. Vincent was dead in Springtrap, lying dead on the floor. "Um..." I stammered. It had been 5 minutes since his death. And I know that in 5 minutes after death you become reanimated.

"............................." still quiet. Springtraps arm moved. Soon he sprang at everyone. "YOOOOOUULLLL PAAAAYYYY!" Springtrap said. I began to pass out.

I was in a flash back again. I remember when everything was peaceful. When I was alive. "Big brother! You don't have to be so rough on him!" I said. "Hehehe, so what? This foxy head will come in handy. Big brother... why? Why did you shove him in an animatronics head? You had an reason right? I was in another flashback or rather Adam's flashback. "I'm sorry. Your broken!" Fredbear apologized. "Can you hear me? You probably can't." Fredbear assumed. "Were still your friends. Do you still believe that?" Asked Fredbear. Plushies of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy began to disappear. "I will put you back together." Fredbear said.

I woke up back in my animatronic body. Everyone? Turns out I was the only one to wake up. I'm alone. Guess it's round 2. My teeth turned into sharp fangs again. "YOU! WILL DIE!" I screamed uncontrollably. I sprang onto Springtrap's body. "Hehehe HAHAHAHA! You're friends are dead!" Springtrap laughed. "I may have been a monster in life..... but right now IM AN TOTAL NIGHTMARE!" Springtrap screamed. His mouth opened revealing his corpse. "You... are an monster." He bit at my arm and it tore off. I backed away as he was chasing me. "DO YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME?!" Springtrap screamed. "I'm not entirely sure but yes. My brother had his frontal lobe bit by Golden Freddy, he apologized honorably when it wasn't his fault. SO I SHOULDN'T BACK DOWN NOW! AFTER YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS! YOU DESERVE TO BE KILLED AN SECOND TIME!" I preached. I stopped backing away. My hand turned into a claw. I clawed at him causing serious damage. I pounced on him with all my might. He spit out spring locks. If I moved I would be dead. The only way I could survive this is if I tore off my arm and used it to push them out of the way. That's what I did. My arm was filled with spring locks and wasn't worth using anymore. Now I was armless. That didn't stop me. I kicked him with my feet. He grabbed my feet and tore them off one by one. Now I couldn't move. But I still could. I hopped toward him when he wasn't noticing. "Hahaha! I guess that's dead meat! Um..." Springtrap looked behind himself. "AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGH!" He screamed for the last time. I bit at his arms, his legs and dismantled him with his handcrank. "Its.... finally..... over with...." I panted. I saw my friends spirits. "You did it sister!" Adam said. "I hope you beat the pizza out of him!" Chica's soul thought. "Ye did a good job. I'm sorry I was mean to you in the past. But you taught me that being mean doesn't solve problems. The thing is... I felt what you felt through when I was out of order... being all alone. My life was poor. But not as poor as you've been through. So thank you." Foxy's spirit thanked me. "I saw what you been through and you wanted to be onstage with me and everyone else. I wanted you to too. But you taught me that your friends are more important than daily airens." Bonnie said to me. He kissed me goodbye. A tear dripped down my face as they were fading. "DON'T GO! I may never see you again! Don't leave me!" I cried. "Don't worry. You've been important to everyone since the very beginning. You've been my role model. Everyone thought I was the first animatronic to live. But it was you. You've taught me that the past is nothing compared to the future. I didn't need to apologise to Adam. He knew that it was an accident. So, I am saying that, Thank you for everything that you done for all of us four-" Golden Freddy's spirit got interrupted. "Us five. I the puppet say that, you have done good for all of us children. We may be children but, your the adult. You taught us that we can accomplish anything. Even though we did terrible deeds as animatronics like killing innocent adults, it's time to release our dead spirits to the heavens." The puppet preached. My spirit was floating out of my animatronic body. "I guess this is it. Goodbye world." I said with my last words.

Life is extraordinary. They will know the joy of creation. Everything that I did as an animatronic was more important than life. All of them taught me that life is extraordinary. Even if you aren't strong enough you still can accomplish anything. We all disappeared in the end. But what mattered is that you can achieve anything. They "will" know the joy of creation.
The end :)

Final author note: Thank you for everyone who supported this story. As my final words as an author on this story is an life lesson. Don't let someone bully you. Stand up for yourself. If your an bully and you say that standing up for yourself is scum, then your worse than scum. Thank you everyone, if you enjoyed this story like or share or tell your friends and family. Check out my other stories for more. And all art belongs to me. Thanks!

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