Chapter 11: Night 2: getting the guard

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I crawled out of my box for the night and started to head to the parts and service room. Foxy was already out and only Freddy and his stage mates were with him. Chica looked sad like she was about to cry. It was like she was jealous of me and Bonnie but I don't think it was that. But it seemed like it is. Every time me and Bonnie are together she becomes sad. "So how is your night?" I asked them. "Not too good. I'm really bored." Bonnie replied in sorrow. "Ok so, I think this guard is up to something. Here at Freddy's we all have to be friends." I said suspiciously. "What about foxy?" Freddy asked. "He is probably just grouchy. We probably will give him a taste of his own medicine some day. Anyway, we need to plan to end the guards misery. Let him join us ya know?" I told them. "Ok so how do we do that?" Chica asked. "We have to bring balloon boy in the plan too. So I found out that foxy hates light and balloon boy drains the flashlight. Without the flashlight foxy will pounce on the guard." I explained. "So what about us?" Freddy asked. "You Freddy can go in the hallway with foxy. Chica go in one of the vents. Bonnie go in the hallway and balloon boy will go in one of the vents. I will also explain this with the new animatronics." I explained. As I walked out I saw the whole toy gang. Toy Freddy, toy Bonnie, toy Chica, toy Foxy/ mangle, the puppet and balloon boy. I explained the same exact thing I told the old animatronics. I explained that toy Freddy will go in the hallway, toy Bonnie will go in a vent, toy Chica will go in a vent, mangle will go in a vent and balloon boy will go in a vent. I on the other hand would go in both the hallway or the vents. I walked in the hallway and saw foxy. "Arg! What do ye want? If it isn't important I'd be forced to make ye walk the plank!" Foxy threatened. "It's a plan just listen foxy. You stay in the hallway and drain the guards flashlight. Balloon Boy will help you drain that flashlight." "What are ye talkin about. Yar mean that I'm working with that light headed baby?!" Foxy complained. "Just trust me. I'm being nice. Now drain that guards flashlight!" I demanded. "Yar can't boss me around. I'm the adult here!" Foxy complained. "I SAID DRAIN HIS FLASHLIGHT!" I screamed at the top of my voice box. I jumped at him and pinned him to the ground. I began to bite his head and tear the fabric on his ear and on his body. "I HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR ATTITUDE!" I screamed at Foxy. "SAY YOU'RE SORRY!" "Never!" Foxy sweared. I heard a statticy voice behind me. "Foxy static she is static planning to kill static the night guard! If you're static static going to be mean to polar I'm not being your girlfriend!" Mangle rasped. "Mangle i___" "listen to static her!" "Sorry polar. Ill listen. But that doesn't mean ill listen to you all the time." Foxy apologized. "Alright then. Let's get on with the plan shall we?" I said impatiently. Foxy went into the hallway. The guard shone the flashlight on him. Next, toy Bonnie went into the vent. The guard put on the mask and it seemed to do the trick. Next, toy Chica went into the other vent. The guard put on the mask for a long time and she crawled back down the vent. Next, toy freddy came in the hallway. When he entered the office the guard did the same thing as usual. Then came mangle. She crawled into the office and on to the sealing but the guard noticed her and put the mask on. Mangle crawled back through the vent. Balloon Boy tried to make an attempt but was too slow. The clock chimed 6 am. We can always get him tomorrow.

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