Year 4.1*

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Revised: May 27, 2022

I'm planning on revising the next chapter as well (eventually), so stay tuned.


The romance /really/ starts up in this year, so heads up

"Harry! You've got another letter from Fred!"

The words were hardly out of Sirius' mouth before Harry appeared in the kitchen, eyes bright and hair its normal bird's nest. "Thanks, Sirius!" he said, taking it and plonking into a chair to read it.

Sirius exchanged a glance with Remus, seeing his own amusement flickering in his eyes. The kid was becoming more and besotted every day.

Harry ripped open the envelope, cursing as the edge cut his finger. He distinctly heard Remus reprimand him but ignored him in favor of reading what Fred had to say.

Hiya, Harold!

The Quidditch World Cup is almost here. Dad said the tickets should be arriving soon. You are coming, aren't you? The answer better be yes or else George and I will smuggle you in ourselves.

Harry's eyebrows rose. A bit extreme... but that was the twins for you.

Anyway, I think those Ton-Tongue Toffee we've mentioned have finally been perfected, but we won't know until we've tested them. Won't be for a while, I'm afraid. Mum found out about our joke shop when she came to clean our room. Percy's still obsessed over Mr. Crouch. Ron reckons they'll be announcing their engagement soon.

Other than that, it's been pretty boring —

Harry couldn't read the scribbled out part, so he continued.

— so this World Cup should be glorious!

By the way, do you think your Marauders still have any ideas for our joke shop?

"Sirius, are we going to the World Cup or are the twins gonna have to sneak me in themselves?" Harry asked.

Sirius gave him a confused look and leaned over to read the letter. "'Smuggle you in ourselves...' Someone sounds eager."

"Well, it is an important event," Harry pointed out, conveniently not picking up the real meaning behind Sirius' words.

"That it is." A metaphorical lightbulb lit up in his head. "Say, Harry, you don't mind if I write back for you, do you?"

Harry and Remus looked at him with matching suspicious expressions.

"Why?" asked Harry.

"To help with their joke shop, of course." When Harry didn't look convinced, Sirius tilted his head. "Harry. Don't you trust me to be a responsible adult?"

Harry absolutely did not. "Whatever. Go ahead."

Sirius grinned and raced out of the kitchen.

Remus rolled his eyes. "Responsible adult... huh!"

Harry refrained from pointing out that Remus wasn't really any better.

Fred nearly leaped out of his skin when something whacked him on the head. He looked up to see Ginny standing over his bed with an envelope in her hand.

"A letter from Sirius."

"Not Harry?" He couldn't keep the disappointment from his voice.

"Not today. Don't worry, I'm sure your boyfriend's fine."

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