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Edit November 6, 2023: The following information is still relevant, but here's a reminder revisions are being made for Year 6 at minimum.

I had tagged this fic as "technically discontinued" for the simple reason that I am not motivated to continue the story in full. I'll explain, but first a little bit of background.

So the whole point of me starting this in the first place was to sort of transition myself mentally into the HP-verse. I didn't think this would get as popular as it did, especially with the mistakes and whatnot (and that's not me being pessimistic about my work, there are a lot of areas I could've worked on better).

At one point, I did have the whole fic mapped out, but things change and the chapters for sixth and seventh year look pretty bland. You're basically reading the canon books with a few slight tweaks to it. And that is exactly what I don't want.

Also, I have other priorities (finishing up ALHS, continuing Me and You and my new fic A Trio of Serpents*).

*feel free to check this one out if you wish. Slytherin golden trio centric. So Ron and Hermione actually get to shine for once.


I do have the last Summer chapter for Year 5, but after that, not so much. I have worked a little on revising Year 7 because I knew from the beginning of Fred's fate, so that section is arguably more finished than Year 6.

I know many discontinued fics kinda just drop out with no explanation and no closure. And that's okay. The writer doesn't always know what the future chapters would have looked like.

But I do have a vague idea for mine. So here's what I'm proposing if I do decide to go ahead and discontinue:

• In a similar manner to the Reading Checkpoint, I will give a summary of what I know what will happen for the rest of the fic.

• And is there are parts I'm satisfied with, they will be in the traditional format.

What do you think? Would this be enough to end the fic even if it's in a different format? Let me know because honestly? I really want to share with you guys who lives and who doesn't just as much as you want to know.

Edit: okay, bullet format it is. Thanks for the feedback

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