Year 7.4

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Since the very beginning, people have been wondering if Fred dies. And I'm here to say..... keep reading to find out.

• Voldemort gives his speech: "Hand over Harry Potter and I just might not kill you" blah blah blah.

• The battle begins anyway.

• Harry goes to find the diadem, eventually coming to the Room of Requirement.

• Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle are there. Crabbe casts Fiendfyre and get both him and Goyle killed (since Harry doesn't have Ron to help save Goyle). Harry manages to save Draco, though.

For a moment, they laid on the floor, panting.

"Thank you," Draco mumbled. Harry just nodded curtly. He's still not happy about his friend — or was it former friend? — becoming a Death Eater.

• Fred and Percy appeared, battling two hooded men. Percy announces he's resigning.

"You actually are joking, Perce... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were —"

The air exploded, sending everyone tumbling back. Harry struggled to get free of the wreckage.

"Percy! Harry! Are you there?"

It was Fred.

"I'm here," rasped Harry. "Percy?"

There was a cough and Percy appeared, clutching his side. "I'll be okay," he said even though he was swaying dangerously.

Footsteps pounded in the distance, following by mad cackling. Bellatrix Lestrange was coming.

"We have to go." But Percy was barely able to take one step before staggering.

Fred caught him. "Harry, take Percy to the hospital wing. I'll hold them off."

"Fred, no!" Percy was shaking his head. "We're staying together."

"No. You aren't. Go!"

Percy stared ino his brother's blazing eyes before reluctantly nodding. "Come on, Harry."

Reluctantly, they began to move off.

I originally had Percy killed in Fred's place, but the thing is — and I'm well aware how unpopular this is — I greatly prefer Percy over both twins, so that wasn't about to happen.

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