Year 7.6

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Fred wanted to scream, to curse, to do something. But no words would come out, and it had nothing to do with the silencing charm that had been cast upon him.

"My Lord... my Lord..." Bellatrix said.

Fred turned to see that Voldemort had also fallen and was now getting to his feet.

"My Lord..."

"That will do," said Voldemort.

"My Lord, let me —"

"I do not require assistance," said Voldemort coldly, and Bellatrix withdrew her hand. "The boy... Is he dead?"

No one moved.

"You," said Voldemort to Narcissa. "Examine him. Tell me whether he is dead."

Narcissa approached Harry and crouched down, hand touching his face and moving down to his chest. Fred watched, heart hammering. There was no way Harry was dead... He couldn't be.

But then Narcissa was standing up and turning back to face Voldemort. "He is dead!"

Jubilant cries erupted from the Death Eaters, and some shot light out of their wands.

"You see?" screeched Voldemort. "Harry Potter is dead by my hand, and no man alive can threaten me now!"

• (I removed the part where Voldemort Crucios Harry since the whole thing with the wand's allegiance was more or less scrapped.)

"And you said he wouldn't come," Voldemort said, coming to stand in front of Fred.

Fred did the only thing he could do in the position he was in: He spat in Voldemort's face. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bellatrix gasp in outrage, but a raised hand from Voldemort stopped her from speaking.


An agonized shout tore from Fred's lips. The pain, while lasting only a few seconds, was excruciating. It was no wonder Voldemort used it all the time.

"Now, we go to the castle," Voldemort said as he ended the spell, "and show them what has become of their hero. Who shall drag the body? No — Wait —"

He looked at Fred, who was still gasping for breath. "You carry him," Voldemort ordered. He waved his wand and the ropes binding Fred disappeared. With another wave of his wand, Voldemort sent Fred flying through the air and landing next to Harry.

He shakily sat up and stared up at Voldemort defiantly, making no move to obey.

"I said, carry him." There was a hint of menace in his voice, but Fred was too fired up to care.

"Fuck you," he snarled. More pain shot through his body, seeming to last longer.

"Let's try again," Voldemort said as Fred went limp on the ground. "Carry him."

Fred struggled to sit up and scooped up Harry's body. His head thumped against Fred's shoulder, and it took all his strength not to let the tears flow.

A wand dug into his neck. "Move."

All around, the Death Eaters shot spells at the sky. They reached the castle. "Stop," Voldemort said, and Fred stumbled to a halt.

Students and faculty began streaming out of the castle. Fred spotted Sirius and Remus, the former of which was bleeding badly from one leg. When their eyes met, Sirius froze and whipped his head around to look at Remus as if begging him to tell him his eyes were deceiving him. To Fred's relief, Percy was there as well, leaning on Ron for support.

The rest of the Weasleys were right behind them. All of them stared in horror when they saw Fred standing next to Voldemort.

"Harry Potter is dead," Voldemort announced.

"NO!!" The scream came from Luna, who tried to run forward. Remus grabbed her and pulled her back.

"SILENCE!" cried Voldemort, and there was a bang and a flash of bright light, and silence was forced upon them all. "It is over! Set him down, Weasley, at my feet, where he belongs!"

Fred did as he was told. As soon as Harry was set down, Bellatrix yanked him back up, wand at his neck.

"You see?" said Voldemort, striding back and forth in front of Harry. "Harry Potter is dead! Do you understand now, deluded ones? He was nothing, ever, but a boy who relied on others to sacrifice themselves for him!"

"LIAR!" Sirius roared.

"He was killed while trying to sneak out of the castle grounds, killed while trying to save himself —"

• Previously, Harry had spoken to Neville about killing Nagini. So, as per canon, he does.

• The rest of the battle commences. Voldemort dies.

• Uh...

• Luna is furious with him for pulling such a stunt — "You bloody idiot! I thought you were..." She can't stay mad at him for long and embraces him, tears streaming down her face.

• Sirius and Remus join in and they're silent for a long moment.

• Many people have died. Thankfully, Percy didn't.

• Or Tonks or Moody.

• Or Fred.

• Uh... x2

Next up is the epilogue. Less angst-ridden and kinda vague in some areas, but ultimately present.

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