Year 5.14

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(Not so) fun fact: I originally did have Harry remain calm enough not to go running into danger. But then I thought, NAH, time to crank up the suspense. You're welcome! *smiles innocently*

Anygay, here's the next chapter.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the Potter boy himself," Bellatrix cackled.

Harry's eyes raked the scene in front of him. Bellatrix stood over Sirius, gripping his hair so tightly he was surprised she didn't rip it out. About a dozen Death Eaters were spread throughout the room, many of them still masked. Remus, much to his relief, was still standing — the only cut Harry could see was the one on his face. He adjusted his grip on the orb in his arms.

"Give it to me," Bellatrix whispered, one hand outstretched.

"No!" Sirius shouted through the gag, struggling harder than ever. "Don't give it to her!"

But Harry moved forward and held the orb out to Bellatrix, who reached forward eagerly and took it. Her triumphant expression changed to shock as the orb suddenly burst in her face.

Remus only just had enough time to wonder how the hell Harry had replicated the orb when something bright shot out and exploded near Bellatrix, sending her flying through the air. Looking up, he saw three more people arrive, two of them with red hair and the third with dirty blonde.

Fred, George, and Luna. He should've known.

Taken aback by their sudden appearance, the other Death Eaters scrambled to get back to the battle that had continued.

Harry rushed to untie Sirius.

"What are you doing here?" Sirius demanded, spitting out the gag.

"What was I supposed to do?" Harry snapped back. "Let them kill you?"

A light hit the ground a few feet from them.

"Never mind that now," Sirius said, standing up and wincing. "Come on."

Bellatrix had recovered as they were conversing and was now facing Fred and George. "If it isn't ickle Fred and George Weasley," she crooned.

"Congratulations," Fred said. "You're officially the first Death Eater to tell us apart."

"How is dating Harry Potter?" she taunted him. "Does he give you lots of money? Pay for your food? Teach you how to wash yourself?"

Fred gritted his teeth. "No, but maybe he ought to teach you to mind your own fucking business!" he spat, shooting out a spell. Bellatrix managed to dodge it, but her eyes betrayed her surprise, if only for a second.

Dolohov, who had been freed from the ropes, was slowly making his way over. A streak of purple flame shot out of his wand toward Fred.

"Fred, move!" George shouted, pushing him out of the way. A second later, the flame hit him in the back. He froze, a look of surprise on his face, then crumpled to the floor, motionless.

"George!" Fred cried, momentarily forgetting Bellatrix. Thankfully, she had turned her attention elsewhere; she and Sirius were now dueling. Despite the latter's injuries, he was holding his own well enough.

Harry ran to Fred's side. "What happened?"

"Dolohov," Fred answered, desperately checking and rechecking to make sure George was still breathing.

"Come on, let's get him out of the way," Harry said, picking up George's legs. Fred grabbed a hold of his torso. Together, they maneuvered George to the side.

Remus made his way over to Luna, who had been cornered by a Death Eater. "Petrificus Totalus!"

The Death Eater's arms and legs snapped together and he fell back. His mask slid off, revealing Walden Macnair.

"Luna, are you all right?" Remus demanded.

"Yes," she replied, but she was trembling.

Remus guided her to where Harry and the twins were. "Stay here," he ordered. "I mean it," he added to Harry, and ran to join Sirius.

"Luna!" Harry cried in relief.

"I'm fine. Just a little shaken. Is George okay?"

"I think so." Now that they were all here, Harry was beginning to regret coming. "I'm sorry," he said. "I led you all here."

"Don't apologize!" Luna said fiercely. "We chose to come here."

Harry looked down at George's unconscious form.

"Don't," Fred said, knowing what he was thinking.

"Look! Dumbledore's here!" Luna said suddenly, pointing.

They all turned. Sure enough, the headmaster stood in the doorway of the Brain Room, ready to join the fight. The Death Eaters ceased fighting; one even tried to leave, only for Dumbledore to reel him back like a fish.

Only Bellatrix and Sirius didn't seem to notice his arrival. Sirius dodged a jet of red light and laughed. "Come on, you can do better than that!" he taunted.

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed and she cast another spell, this time at Remus, who was still watching Dumbledore. Before he could move, it struck him squarely on the chest. Pain flashed in his eyes before his knees gave way and he fell, his body tumbling off the dais and landing in a heap on the floor.

Harry and Sirius stared for a second. Then they both sprinted over to his side.

As they knelt down, Remus stirred.

"Are you okay?" Harry demanded.

"Yeah." Remus winced a little. "I'll live." He was shaking, though, and couldn't suppress an agonized groan.

Harry's sense of relief was overcome by anger as Bellatrix let out a loud cackle and fled the room. But before he could go after her, Sirius grabbed his arm.

"Don't," he said. "She's not important right now." He scooped Remus up in his arms and stood. "We need to get you and your friends back to Hogwarts." He paused and gave Harry a pointed look. "Where you should have been all along."

There were a million things Harry wanted to retort with, but he settled on a quiet, "Okay."

You didn't /really/ think I would kill Sirius, did you? *crickets chirping* You did? Well, that's fair.

All jokes aside, I do hope you enjoyed reading these past two chapters. And the battle — action scenes aren't my thing, but I try.

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