Summer 5.16

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Looks like you guys are satisfied with my idea in the previous part. You guys are so understanding about it, I love you all.

Anyway, here's the last chapter for Year 5. Enjoy.

Whatever Harry's punishment was for Stunning Snape and leaving the school was, he forgot. Not that it made any difference, really. As soon as he was Apparated home, he headed to his room without a word. Sirius went to follow, but Remus stopped him.

"He's angry at both of us, Pads," he said softly. "Let him cool off a bit."

Sirius slumped back down, hoping Harry wouldn't avoid them forever.

It sure seemed like he wanted to, as Harry hardly interacted with his parents except when he was called down for meals. All he did was eat, not even looking at Remus or Sirius, and then left in silence. The only one Harry interacted with was Kreacher, and that was because the stubborn elf wouldn't go unless he knew Harry was okay.

How long the cold shoulder no one knew, but it was only a week when Remus' keen ears picked up the pounding of footsteps heading their way.

"What is it?" Sirius mumbled.

"It's Harry."

At that, Sirius leapt out of bed and ran for the door, Remus following close behind. They had just reached it when Harry burst in. He smacked right into Sirius, causing the Animagus to stagger back.

Harry's eyes searched Sirius' face, his fists clenched around his shirtfront. "You're alive," he whispered.

"Yes," Sirius murmured, shaken by the raw terror in his son's eyes. "I'm here."

Harry turned to Remus, his eyes darting over his body, then he flung his arms around them both.

"Harry —" Sirius began, but Harry shook his head.

"Don't. It's okay. I understand. Just let me sleep with you. Please?"

"Of course, pup."

Harry allowed himself to be carried into their bed, where they all settled in.

As sleep claimed him once more, Harry wondered why he had thought it had been a good idea to distance himself. They were his only family left.

It got a little better after that. Harry still climbed into bed between his parents in the middle of the night when he couldn't fall asleep in his own bed, but at least he knew they were there. They never complained, just adjusted their positions to accommodate the added mass. They could almost forget Harry had been angry with them.

But when Snape came over to deliver the Wolfsbane, the reminder came crashing down. Harry didn't say anything to him, but Sirius noted the tension in his shoulders that only relaxed when Snape was gone.

"I don't know what to think," Harry confided in them later that evening. "Dumbledore trusts him, and so do you."

"What we think means nothing," Remus said. "Harry, do you trust Severus?"

"Yes." And he meant it. "But I'm still mad at him."

"That's completely understandable. But try not to let your anger blind you."

"I'll try," Harry promised.

• Harry later goes to see Slughorn as per canon events.

• He gets his O.W.L results: all O's and an E in History of Magic.

• The booklist arrives and Sirius and Remus take Harry to get what he needs.

• Harry remembers Snape's copy of Advanced Potion-Making and reminds them he doesn't need to get a new one.

• Harry spots Draco in Madam Malkin's but doesn't go in to say hi. Their friendship is still rocky with everything going on.

• They stop by Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, where Fred practically pounces on Harry with enthusiasm.

• Fred takes Harry in a tour through the shop while George is left with the Marauders.

• Uurprisingly, Remus and Sirius are acting like kids in a candy shop. But Remus has enough sense to stop Sirius from buying Harry things that would get him out of class.

Remus: Our son is not about to start slacking off, Padfoot.

Sirius: *pouts and grumbles*

• They unfortunately have to leave eventually.

Fred: Try not to get into trouble this year, okay?

Harry: Fred, that's like asking for Sirius to stop pranking. It's not going to happen.

Sirius, overhearing: Hey! That's not — okay, maybe it's sort of true.

Remus: *raises an eyebrow*

• They return home.

So yeah, this is kind of what you can expect for the rest of the story to look like.

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