Year 4.10

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I borrowed parts from the movie here

Heads up, we got a long(ish) chapter

The other three champions were just as nervous as Harry was. Fleur was pale and clammy, Viktor was even surlier than normal, and Cedric was pacing.

"Psst!" The hissed word came from outside the tent.

Harry walked over. "Fred?"

"Yeah," Fred said. "How are you feeling? All right?"

Harry couldn't even nod his head.

"Look, you can do it," Fred went on, sounding like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was Harry. "All you have to do is concentrate and then-"

"Battle a dragon," Harry finished.

He was caught off guard when Fred threw the tent flap open and pulled him into a tight embrace.

The sound of a camera flashing made them break away. Rita Skeeter walked in, as casually as if she were at home. "What good friends you two are!" she gushed. "If everything goes unfortunately today," she said, smiling sickly, "you two may even make the front page." She looked at Fred's clothes with clear disdain. "I'm sure your family would love that."

Fred's gaze darkened, and he looked like he was seconds away from hexing her.

"You have no business here," Krum said. "This tent is for champions and friends."

Rita turned to him and gave him a more appreciative lookover. "No matter," she said sweetly, "we've got what we wanted."

She walked away a few feet as Dumbledore came in with the other headmasters and Ludo Bagman. "Good day, champions," Dumbledore said, "gather round, please." He waited until the four champions had come over. "Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last, the moment has arrived, a moment only four of you can fully appreciate."

It was then he noticed Fred, who still lingered by Harry's side. "What are you doing here, Mr. Weasley?"

Fred blinked, looking startled. "Oh, um, sorry. I'll just go." He left quickly, and Harry wished he could follow.

"Bagman," Dumbledore said, "the bag."

Ludo Bagman held up a purple silk sack. "Ladies first," he said.

Fleur put a shaky hand into the sack and pulled out a Welsh Green dragon. By her expression, Harry knew that Madame Maxime had informed her of the task.

Viktor and Cedric pulled out a Chinese Fireball and Swedish Short-Snout respectively. Harry took the last one, the Hungarian Horntail, which happened to be the most lethal. Because of course he would have the most difficult dragon.

"Well, there you go!" Bagman said. "You have each pulled out the dragon you will face, and the numbers refer to the order in which you are to take on the dragons, do you see? Now, I'm going to have to leave you in a moment, because I'm commentating. Mr. Diggory, you're first, just go out into the enclosure when you hear a whistle, all right? Now... Harry... could I have a quick word? Outside?"

"Sure." He followed Bagman a few yards away.

"Feeling all right, Harry? Anything I can get you?"

"What?" said Harry. "I- no, nothing."

"Got a plan? Because I don't mind sharing a few pointers-"

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