Year 5.6

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What's this? Two updates in a month?? That hasn't happened in like five-ever. And it probably won't happen again anytime soon, so enjoy it while you can!

Lucius Malfoy wasn't a terrible teacher, much to Harry's relief. At least, he didn't try to provoke him or give him detention for breathing. The only downside was that he was still not teaching anything useful. The students were still supposed to read the book and take notes and only then would they actually get to practice.

"It'll be next spring by the time we get through with this stupid book," Harry grumbled as he took a seat next to Fred at the Gryffindor table.

"At least he's not following Umbridge's example," Fred said, trying to be optimistic.

"True," Harry conceded, glancing down at his hand. "But we're still not going to learn anything for a while."

"I was just about to mention that," Hermione said as she and Ron joined them. "You said you'd be willing to teach some of us in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"I almost forgot about that." Harry looked around to make sure there was no one else nearby. "When and where should we meet?"

"I was thinking on the first Hogsmeade visit, in Hog's Head. It's quieter because there'll be less people, so it's perfect."

"Hogsmeade, Hog's Head. Got it. Finally, something to look forward to."

"So, who did you say is supposed to be meeting us?" Harry asked as he and Luna walked into Hog's Head.

"Just a couple of people," Hermione told him. "I told them to be here about now and I'm sure they all know where it is— oh, look, this might be them now."

The door of the pub had opened and in came a crowd of people.

"This is a pretty big group for a 'couple of people,'" Harry commented, brightening up as Fred plopped down next to him.

"Yes, well, the idea seemed quite popular," said Hermione happily. "Ron, do you want to pull up some more chairs?"

Once settled, Harry began speaking. "All right, you all know why we're here. Hermione had the idea we should get together and actually study Defense Against the Dark Arts because neither Umbridge nor Malfoy are useful right now."

"And you want to pass your O.W.L.s," Michael Corner said.

"Obviously," Harry said dryly. "Then maybe people will stop talking about something that happened before I could talk properly."

Hermione nodded. "But it's more than that. We want to be properly trained in defense because... because..." She took a great breath and finished, "because Lord Voldemort is back."

The students flinched back from the name, but no one protested. Many of them had come to terms that Harry might not be as mental as he was being made out to be even if their parents still didn't agree.

"Now we need to find a place to meet," Hermione said.

"We need to make sure this doesn't clash with our Quidditch practice," Angelina Johnson said.

"No," said Cho, "nor with ours."

"Nor ours," added Zacharias Smith.

"I'm sure we can find a way," Harry said.

"We think the reason the Ministry doesn't want us trained in Defense Against the Dark Arts," said Hermione, "is that they've got some... some mad idea that Dumbledore could use the students in the school as a kind of private army. They thinks he'd mobilize us against them."

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