Year 5.11

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As soon as Professor Malfoy heard about the article, he had it banned from Hogwarts. But he inadvertently helped spread it by doing so— students became more determined for everyone to know, though they had to take extra care not to have it in plain sight either by disguising it or wiping it blank. Pretty soon, everyone did know about it. And more importantly, many began to believe Harry.

Even the teachers were pleased, though they couldn't outright show their support. But Professors Sprout and Flitwick gave Harry points for minuscule things such as passing a watering can or practicing the charm. Snape didn't give points, but he remarked that Luna was doing well in Potions. Harry passed the message to Luna, who beamed.

The only negative response to the article came from the children of the mentioned Death Eaters. Harry caught sight of Crabbe, Goyle, and Theodore Nott glaring at him furiously. Even Draco didn't look keen about the article. Harry tried to talk to him, but Draco just turned away at every opportunity.

"It's like we were never friends to begin with!" Harry said to Fred during lunch.

Fred went to make a scathing remark, but Luna forestalled him with a warning look.

"It's not easy unlearning how you're raised," she said, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I'm sure he'll come around."

"Yeah," Fred said even if he had his doubts. "Malfoy can't avoid you forever."

Harry shrugged. "So how many copies have sold?" he asked Luna.

Luna beamed. "Enough for Dad to have to reprint! He can't believe it, he says people seem even more interested in this than the Crumple-Horned Snorkacks!"

"That's great!" Harry said. "Well, except for the Snorkacks."

Luna didn't seem to mind. "The Snorkacks can wait. You-Know-Who is more important."

It was only too bad his Occlumency lessons weren't going as well. He was distracted by his dream, in which he had slipped into Voldemort's mind again. After that, he became too fired up to properly block out Snape, who ended up calling Sirius and Remus through.

"There must be a reason why Harry still has these dreams and visions if he's doing what he's supposed to be doing," Remus said after Harry explained.

"Is there any point in continuing these lessons?" Harry asked.

"Even disregarding the Dark Lord, Occlumency is a good skill to have," Snape pointed out. "So no. Besides, the headmaster is adamant you learn it."


A muffled commotion interrupted Harry.

"What the hell was that?" Sirius said.

"Did you see anything unusual on your way here, Harry?" Snape said.

Harry shook his head. Snape swept out of his office to investigate.

Harry remained in his office. "Has Dumbledore spoken to either of you?" he asked his parents.

Sirius gave Remus a swift look. "No."

Harry felt a flash of irritation. "Nothing?"


"Why am I being kept in the dark?"

"You know why, Harry," Remus said with far more patience than Harry felt. "Because Voldemort can look through your mind. Sooner or later he's going to find out about your connection and use it to his advantage."

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