Summer 4.22

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What's this? What's this?
A new chapter already
What's this?
I can't believe my eyes
I must be dreaming

Okay, enough with the terrible parodies. On to the chapter, which by the way, will probably hit you in the feels (providing I did it correctly)

Harry was no stranger to nightmares, but when he first slipped into bed back at Grimmauld Place, they plagued his dreams every night for the first two weeks.

In the first one, nothing extraordinary happened; it was basically just Harry reliving the events in the graveyard, and he did not tell Sirius and Remus. But in the second one, when he was Portkeyed away from the maze, he was shocked to see Voldemort there, already with his full body. At his feet lay a familiar shape. Harry's stomach lurched as he stared into Sirius' blank gaze. That was when Harry, in his panicked state, leapt out of bed and ran to the other bedroom, startling the occupants awake.

"Sirius!" Harry had sobbed when he spotted him, very much alive and very alarmed.

"Harry!" Sirius caught his son's body as he launched him to his arms. "Pup, what happened?"

But Harry had been too hysterical to hear, so Remus called for Kreacher to bring him a Calming Draught. Strangely, the elderly house-elf had grown to be more protective of Harry; he didn't necessarily like the young Ravenclaw, but he didn't hate him like he did Sirius. Although even their relationship was getting a little better.

"It was you," Harry said once his crying had ceased. "You were dead. Voldemort—"

"Hey." Sirius lifted Harry's chin so their eyes met. "Look, you see me. I'm still here."

"For now," Harry whispered brokenly.

"Do you want to sleep with us, Harry?" Remus asked gently.


The next few nights, Harry had gone to his own bed, but on the fourth night, he joined Remus and Sirius again. He didn't even say anything; he just crawled into the bed between them. They didn't mind.

Harry slowly got better over time, his nightmares becoming less frequent. Sirius would constantly say or do things that would make Harry laugh and shake his head with amusement. Like that time he tried to cook while Kreacher was busy cleaning.

"The water just disappeared!" Sirius said, waving his hands around theatrically.

"Padfoot," Harry said, "it evaporated."

"It did what?" Who knew wizards and witches didn't know the basics of the states of matter?

Or that time Remus came into the bedroom to see Harry with his messy hair a mixture of red and gold. "Help. Me," Harry had deadpanned.

So Remus did, and Sirius found himself blue and bronze from head to toe an hour later. "Fuck you, Remus," Sirius growled.

"Not now," Remus said with a glance at Harry.

Harry went back to his room, muttering about hormonal adults.

Even with them there to cheer him up, Harry was quieter and mostly secluded in his room.

One day, Remus walked in to find Harry sitting on the floor. "What are you looking at, Harry?" he asked.

Harry jumped slightly. "What? Oh, hi, Moony. I was just looking through Mum's journal." He hadn't opened it much the previous year, but lately that was all he was able to read, it seemed. "Were they buried?"

It was Remus' turn to be caught off guard. "Yes, they were."

"Can we go see them?" Harry didn't think he succeeded in going for a casual tone very well.

"Yes. Of course we can."

So it was early the next morning when the three Apparated to Godric's Hollow. No one was awake, so they walked without meeting anyone. They passed the war memorial, and Sirius was the one who spotted it turn into a statue of three people: a man with untidy hair and glasses, a woman with long hair and a kind, pretty face, and a baby boy sitting in his mother's arms.

Harry felt Sirius' hand give a gentle squeeze before they moved on. Remus pushed the kissing gate open as quietly as possible, shoulders tense.

One of the first gravestones Harry saw was an Abbott. A relative of Hannah's, perhaps? A little farther back was another familiar name: Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore had a sister?" Harry said.

"Maybe," Sirius said, perplexed. "I've met his brother, but neither of them mentioned an Ariana."

Remus was crouched in front of a headstone two rows beyond the Dumbledores. "I found them," he said softly.

Harry and Sirius approached the headstone. Its white marble surface made it easy to read.


BORN 27 MARCH 1960





The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Tears threatened to spill over Harry's face, and when Remus turned to him, he didn't hesitate to push his face into Remus' shoulder. Both Remus and Sirius wrapped their arms around him like a cocoon.

Despite the summer heat, Harry shivered. His parents laid barely feet away, and only now, thirteen years later, were they reunited with their son and remaining friends.

Abruptly, Harry stood up. He couldn't take sitting here much longer. "Can we go home?" he said, wiping his eyes.

Sirius nodded. His eyes were damp as well, though he seemed to be trying to hold strong for Harry. Remus lifted his wand and conjured a small bouquet of flowers, levitating it against the headstone.

They made their way back to Grimmauld Place in silence.

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