Year 6.1*

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Revised: November 6, 2023

Surprise, I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.

It's been a while. I explain more on my message board, but the gist of it is, I got hit with motivation/inspiration and decided to expand on at least some of the bullet points. So enjoy!


There were... a lot of eyes on him, Harry noticed as he pushed through the corridor. He let his eyes wander past the faces squashed to the glass to the gloomy weather, wondering if it would be like this upon their arrival.

Harry headed toward the back of the train and was tremendously relieved when he caught a glimpse of familiar dirty-blonde hair.

"There you are," he said in lieu of a greeting, shutting the door behind him.

"Here I am," Luna replied, lowering her magazine. She was wearing a pair of bright Spectrepecs, which made her eyes comically wide.

Harry plopped in the seat across from her with a huff. "These people do know I'm taken, right?"

Luna giggled. "Well, you are the Chosen One."

"Yeah, and I'm already chosen one person to be with."

"Mm. A very handsome person, I bet."

"Yeah..." Harry sighed, picturing windswept hair the color of flame and bright, wild eyes.

Harry caught himself. He turned a fake scowl toward Luna, who just smiled innocently.

"Are we continuing the D.A. this year, Harry?"

"Is there any point with Umbridge gone?" Harry pointed out.

"I guess not." Luna leaned back and flipped a page of her magazine. "But it was fun while it lasted."

"You ask him!"

"No, you!"

"I'll do it!"

Harry and Luna looked up to see a group of fourth-year girls whispering to one another on the other side of the compartment door. The one that had just spoken pushed it open.

"Hi, Harry, I'm Romilda, Romilda Vane. Why don't you join us in our compartment? You don't have to sit with her."

She had guts, Harry had to (silently) concede, to say something like that. But he plastered a polite, if dismissive, smile and shook his head.

"No, thank you. I'd rather be with my friend."

He emphasized the last word the same way she had, and Romilda was taken aback. She withdrew and led her friends away quickly.

"So not only do people forget I'm taken, but also that I have friends?" Harry grumbled.

"They expect cooler people to be your friends," Luna said with a shrug.

Her calm acceptance only aggravated Harry further. "You are cool."

Ron and Hermione came into the apartment shortly before lunchtime.

"Hi, Harry. Hi, Luna," said Ron. "I wanted to ask, do you know what's up with Malfoy? He wasn't doing prefect duty at all."

That got Harry's attention. "Where was he?"

"With his Slytherin pals."

Harry blinked. That didn't sound like Draco at all. He opened his mouth to ask Ron if anything else had seemed off when a third-year poked her head inside the compartment.

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