chapter three

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"Sorry... Just a daydream." I said and went to get dressed.

I didn't know what to wear so I out on black skinny jeans, black boots, and my favorite shirt. It was a bit chilly so when me and mustang were leaving I grabbed my black leather jacket to warm me up.

Mustang kept glancing at me from time to time other than that the ride was great. Sometimes I feel a gift neglected by the whole family. Wait all the family left is mustang that basically why I went to see him.

The saddest part is he doesn't know mom is gone too. I don't really know how to tell him either.

"How long are you staying (f/n)?" Mustang said as he sat down at his desk.

I froze and felt a wave of sadness over whelm me. "I wanted to stay with you... I can't go home." I don't know how to tell my big brother both mom and dad are dead.


"Roy! Don't leave us please! We need you here!" Mom said running after him. Roy didn't stop he just kept running.

At the time dad was sick. Mom was scared and I was just 8 years old. That was when Roy left. Everything started to change.

Dad died when I was 11. Roy never did come back. I sort of understand why he did. Dad would always beat him and make him clean extra hard. Basically he was the slave of the house. He didn't like it either.

Roy couldn't take it so we made a plan to run away and become state alchemists. But Roy was against me being one. I'm not sure why but he just was.

But after planning it was just him who left. Without me.

-end of flashbacks

"What do you mean?"

Oh no. How do I say this. "Umm Roy... There is one other thing I have to say. I-im sorry I didn't tell you the actual reason I came here. I'm so sorry. But boh mom and dad are dead..." As soon as I said it I could see the expression on his face. It went from curious to sad and confused.

"What?" Roy replied. I don't think he believed me. But sadly its true. Not long after dad died mom could take it. She wanted to kill herself. Eventually her wish came true and she hung herself.

"Mom killed herself Roy."

"B-but just why..." Is all he could get out without getting mad.

"Whem dasd died she was depressed. I couldn't help her anymore." I said and got up. I walked over to the windows and stared outside. It was beautiful. I knew it was the only way to get mom off my mind at the time.

"Oh... I see..." Now that he knew everything about what happened after he left I think its time I fulfill my promise to mom.

"I will become a state alchemist no matter the cost and I will do it for you mom. I promise."

From that now on I will study and become a state alchemist. I was once told that if I put my heart to something, to work my hardest. And I would be able to achieve that goal.

"I'm gonna go get some food." I walked out and went to find Edward instead. I wanted to talk to someone who didn't really understand my pain right now to try and get it to go away. I'm not sure why though.

Really all I wanted was to be alone right now. Everything was going so fast. I can't really think or see straight anymore.

-time skip-

"(F/n) are you alright?" I herd a soft voice. Sounded familiar.

I opened my eyes to see Alphonse.

"Yeah I'm ok. I just blacked out."

I stood up not really knowing what the hell just happened. I heard running not far away. Roy came around the corner and smiled in relief.

"At least your ok now." He huffed out. I smiled and brushed the dirt off my clothes.

"I'm ok." Usually when I say 'I'm ok' I mean I'm hurt and broken. Br'ok'en. But I just walked up to alpghonse and asked where Edward would be. He said the I walked there.

When I got there I couldn't get in. But I forced my way in. Black belt in karate helped. I found Edward reading a book on the philosophers stone. Which I knew of greatly.

We talked until the military walked in and kicked me out. I waited for Edward and we took a walk around the center of central.

I sadly couldn't stop thinking of what I saw when I blacked out.

-black out dream-

"We need her to wake back up! We can't lose her!... 1 2 3 clear!" I heard the same strange mans voice like before. A shock was felt and I heard the beeping again.

"Thank god she's ok." Roy cried and held my hand. "When you get out I will let you do anything (f/n)... Anything..."

~i can't wait till you find out what's happening truly. Its eating my insides. Ughh well anyway next chapter will 'clear' some more.~

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