chapter seven

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~so I feel very sad about not making the story longer than it will be-_- umm I'm gonna try to get right to the story so about 4 more chapters I think around there. And a quick shout out to @Fullmetal_ed for a new character named Sarah Kiling and also laylie21 for her character layla later in the story. Enjoy.~

-dream thing-

"not too long til she wakes up mr. Mustang." Said the doctor.

"i know." He held your hand tigher.

"and i cant wait."

-dream over-

You find yourself in bed with edward and smiling. You get up and get dressed then walk into the bathroom to get ready to go home.

"edward. Its time to get up." You say and sit on the bed next to him.

"ughh... Ok." He grouns and gets up.

You both are now all packed up and ready to go home.

"lets go home." Edward smiles and openz the car door for you. You gladly get in and are headed back home.

"im turning music on ok." You plug your phone in and listen to some songs.

Halfway home you go and get sone food at a restaurant.

"its nice here." You say and take another bite. Edward nods and finishes eating.

"you almost done?"

"yeah." You take the last bite and pay.

"hey look a text from Sarah. I havent talked to her since... Umm... A while." You say and look a bit down.

"its ok (y/n) i already know. I know how you feel." He says looking at you and putting an arm on your shoulder.

"come on are you not excited to show roy your gonna get married before him?" He says pulling you to the car.

"ughh sure." You get in the car and text sarah back.

'hey. Hows it been?'

You turn the music back on and aing along to a few songs you know.

"hey turn on some rock music." Edward smiles and looks at you.

You stare back and smile. "ok!"

Then BAM!! Everything was black. Pain. Screams. Cries. Blood everywhere.

'whats happening what smells like gas?'

You feel around and find a hand.

"ed-edward?" You struggle to get out. You open your eyes and let them see the horrifying scene before you.

Glass everywhere. The car was totaled. You moved your leg but it was stuck. You cry and scream as blood gushes out your leg.

"(Y/n) oh my god are you ok?" Edward cries out. He picks you up even though his automail is broken and his actual leg ia broken as well.

"dont worry (y/n) ill help you." He starts to limp away and an explosion happens making him drop you and him fall to the ground.

"im so sorry (y/n)" he starts to cry and holds your hand. The ambulances arrive and put the two of you on streachers.

-big time akip after all the dreams-

"i dont know if she will walk when she awakens." Says the doctor as hes checking up on you.

"i really dont care right now. I just want my sister back." Roy says sitting in the chair at the end of the bed.

"tell her friends she will be awake any minute now." The doctor walks out.

-30 mins pass-

"ughhh." You say feeling your head.

"(Y/N) YOUR AWAKE!!" Roy scrsams and hugs you. Everyone runs in but edwadd takes the front.

"i love you so much. Im so sorry this happened." Edwars cries out.

"its ok. Love you too." You hug everybody and catch up on how its been for the past year youve been in the coma.

"me and riza are together." Roy says very softly.

"oh my god really?" You fangirl and start to say "o t p" and dance.

"for a girl who was in a coma for a year your very energetic." Said the doctor.

"you have a guest waiting mrs. (y/n)" said the nurse.

Sarah walks in and hugs you. "i heard what happened and roy told me youd be awake soon so. Im here"

"its been forever Sarah." You hug back.

"lets see if you can walk." Said the nurse helping you out of bed. You put two feet ob the ground and take small steps. She lets go and you still keep going.

"very good." Said the doctor. "i want you to stay one more night." He said walking out with the nurse.

-time skip-

Everyone is gone but edward.

"im tired im gonna go to bed." You yawn (still i yawn as well).

"ok. Night love you sweet dreams." He says kissing your lips and sitting in the bed next to you.

"love you too." You say and shut your eyes.
~so how was it? Are you excited sincs your finally awake again? Well i am. So i dobt have much to say other than thanks for reading. C ya~

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