chapter fourteen

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~things are getting exciting over on my end. So sad you dont know whats on my mind. Lol well i guess ill get this chapter going. Enjoy~

"brother and edward. We need to talk." I sit down in a chair.

"about what?" Roy looks curious.

"the true philosophers stone."

Roy smiles and sits back in his chair. i wonder what he's thinking. He sits back up and leans on his desk still smiling.

"you wanna tell me you still have things to tell me? After years of being together again you dont tell me everything." He looks angry.

"im sorry roy. I couldnt tell you. Edward just found out." I look down and start to tear up.

"but the stone i gave you back in ishval. You didnt use it. I could tell it in your eyes. You didnt have the eyes of a killer like everyone else." Roy stands up and grts behind my chair.

"im sorry." I look forword and clutch my fists.

"you refused to kill anyone. But i didnt hesitate to. Not many people used the stones. But back in ishval. You disappeared and i was so worried." He walks in front of me and smiles.

"king Bradley took me when he found out i wasnt killing them." I looked into his eyes remembering those eyes that day. The eyes of a killer.

"can we talk about the stone not ishval geez." Edward yawned (wtf is wrong with my body) and sat down.

"WE DONT CARE EDWARD WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THINGS YOU WINT UNDERSTAND!" Roy and me both scream out. When we notice we both did we laugh.

"well back on the stone. I am a stone roy. I wanted to tell you this before its too late. People are hunting me down. Like the one the homunculi call father. And edward thats not your father. Hes not human at all. But then he is. Hes really strange and i definitely know hes not van honhiem." Roy and edward stare in disbelief at what i said.

"so that bearded bastard isnt him?" Edward stands up and looks even more angry.

"yes. He must have been playing around when he said son. He knows your father. Im sure of it. Ever since i became the stone ive had this feeling that this place will not last another month." My nose starts to bleed.

"sis. Your... Nose." Roy wipes the blood. He gets a tissue but when he turns around theres no blood and im fine.

"y/n, roy lets go kick this bearded imposters ass." Edward walks out the door and we follow.

-time skip about five mins-

"colonel mustang? Where are you off to? And mr and mrs elric. Congratulations." King Bradley smiled and walks over to roy.

"sir." Me and roy both salute him.

"you take after your brother young lady. Now roy. I want you to give this to y/n after this little run. Ok?" He hands roy an envelop.

"yes sir." Roy takes the envelop and Bradley walks off. The three of us stare at him like we are about to kill him.

"i hate him." Edward turns around. I slap him and he gets on the other side of roy.

"hey what was that for?" He says and rubs his face.

"im sorry. But what you said was wrong. Even though your short and can't be seen easily he wont hesitate to kill you." I smile as he freaks out about being call short.

Sometimes he can go overboard with this kind of stuff. So i smack him again.

"hey. Thats not nice." He whines out.

"if you to children dont stop playing around me ill crush both of you." Roy gets angry and edward runs infront of us.

We make it to the opening and roy sees envy and lust. We try to stay hidden but i guess my presence was a dead giveaway.

"i guess we have fullmetal and mr. Flames here. And whos this? You must be roys girlfriend its nice to..." Lust was walking to us but she stopped and stopped talking.

"whats wrong lust? Cat got your tongue ?" Envy stsrted laughing and walked next to her and stopped laughing and walking.

At the time im trying to settle down ed as hes freaking out and screaming that we are married and some other stuff. Damn hes hard to understand. I look at them as they stare at me in awe.

"whats wrong you got a staring problem?" Edward says and pushes me behind roy.

"who is that girl? Or thing? It cant be human." Envy takes a step closer and roy gets his gloves ready.

We all basically have a sraring contest and i step out.

"i am y/n mustang elric. I am the wife of edward and the sister of roy. I am a walking and talking philosophers stone." I look at them angrily. They laugh and start to get closer.

"so your a stone? you will be perfect for father." She reaches out and almost touches me but roy and edward take me arms and run.

There are some things id like to do myself but now that they know im a stone things will change very soon.

"get off of me." I say calmly and burn their hands. Edward screams and roy smiles.

"this is for you by the way." Roy hand me the envelop.

I open it and im...

"mrs colonel mustang..." I say and look at roy and edward. Hmm. "mustang" why not elric. at least im with brother.

"congrats and by the way y/n. You will be my assistant for now on. Im still older than you. And my room is your room ill get another desk." Roy hugs me. He never hugs me.

"thanks... Brother..."

~cool right... Just wait till chapter 20. Youll see why i did that. Anyway im glad so many of you are reading this. Im making a crossover of soul eater black butler and fullmetal alchemist soon. So those of you who have watched them and like my stories i promise to make it cool. Anyway night i have to get up early tomorrow so cya~

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