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A tall building in the center of the city

-Alright, I can finally go there to kill some people, Chan said stretching before getting into action. Now, Minho, I know you tend to be overexcited and shit, but you gotta remember our members are in the same building and we cannot blow up the structure yet. So please try to be as quiet as you can. Understood? he asked before turning around to see Seungmin at his laptop and no one else in the room. Where is Minho?

-He left long ago, Seungmin replied with a dull voice. You lost him at "Alright".

Chan sighed in annoyance before sprinting to the door.

-Damn it, Minho! he cursed under his breath.

Seungmin watched Chan leave before speaking in the earpiece with Jeongin.

-Innie, do me a favor and look over our bomb maniac. Thanks!

Jeongin looked through the lunette and spotted Minho on the second floor punching the hell out of some guys.

Well, at least he wasn't using his "kittens".

Suddenly something caught Jeongin's attention. He looked down and took a glimpse of a van with a black butterfly symbol on it.

Five people entered the building while the driver stayed in the car with the engine still on.

Jeongin knew very well what that meant.

A kidnapping.

They saw the guys on the stairs going towards the first floor where the only one left was Jisung.

-Hyung! Jisung hyung! Hyung! he yelled in the earpiece before realizing Jisung's communications fell when he took his wig off.

-Shit! he said fasting his pace to the fire stairs.

Chan was fighting in the hall with two buff guys.

He threw himself towards one and pushed him into the wall. Then he took his knife and cut the other's throat.

The one left tried to attack him from behind, but Chan kicked him into the door.

The guy fell with the door right in the room where Seungmin was silently working on his laptop.

He jumped scared and took his gun.

-Smooth, leader. Want me to take the trash for you?

-Please, Chan smiled while breathing heavily.

Seungmin looked at the guy laying on the floor and shoot him right between the eyes.

-Help me, Jinnie! Felix raised his hands in the air.

-Get on my shoulders, Hyunjin said kneeling down.

Felix did what he was told. When Hyunjin raised again on his feet, Felix reached the vent and got in.

He crept through it and shot every guy he saw from up there.

While Hyunjin was looking up to make sure Felix was alright, Changbin punched a guy that was coming for Hyunjin's neck.

-Focus, please! he complained receiving an eye roll from the taller one.

Felix was slowly getting to the end of the vent.

He saw a guy right below him and took out his chains in his try to chocking the guy.

He pulled the chains as hard as he could.

In fact, he pulled so hard that the vent gave up under his and the guy hanging's weight.

He found himself in a room with other two guys pointing their guns at him.

He gulped in fear before hearing Minho's voice "Close your eyes!"

Felix covered his ears and closed his eyes, knowing what was about to come.

A mini bomb was thrown into the room and blew the guys until only blood on the wall was left from them.

Felix peeked and saw Minho covered all in red.

-Are you ok, hyung?

-That was fun, he smirked. No life ensures can pay for that.

Jisung was already fighting on his own with a bunch of guys.

He knew he couldn't face them all, so he just made his way to the exit and, before blocking the door with the bat, he threw a vial with green liquid inside.

It was a new experiment of his. When that viel opened, a strong smell slowly killed all the people in the room.

Jisung smiled in victory until the ground shook under his feet.

-Minho...his eyes widen in fear.

He ran to the stairs to check on the older.

Right after that, Jeongin came to the first floor to look for Jisung. But there was no one there.

He looked around until he heard some steps behind him.

He froze, trying to think of a plan or a way to ask for help without being heard.

"Ummm...guys...The police are approaching fast. If you killed everyone, I think it's time we go!" Seungmin yelled in the earpiece.

Jeongin's eyes widen. It was now or never.

-Hyung, I-

That's all he could say before being hit in the head. He collapsed on the floor without the other members acknowledging.

-Hyung! What happened? Jisung yelled at his boyfriend. Why are you all covered in blood?

-I had some fun, he said shamelessly.

-Let's get out of here! Felix yelled from behind them.

They all gathered at the tank in the blink of an eye.

-Where's Jeongin? Chan asked starting to freak out.

They looked out the window and realized Jeongin wasn't where he was supposed to be.

-He never leaves the rooftop unless...

-Unless one of us is in trouble, Changbin cut off Felix.

-Keep calm, Seungmin chimed in. Hyunjin, take the wheel! I can track him with my laptop. We'll find him in a second.

However, his confidence dropped when he searched for his laptop and didn't find it.

-Is there something wrong? Chan asked noticing how nervous the younger became.

-My laptop...someone took it. It was right here when you all came. I don't understand. of us took it? Changbin said what everyone was thinking.

-I have another laptop at the hideout. Can you wait that long, boss?

Chan nodded, his heart breaking his chest because of the worry.

I bet you didn't expect that

I said new villains, there you have new villains.

I'll make sure you won't guess the traitor.

Thank you for reading!

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)Where stories live. Discover now