2 days before the bridge incident
-What does it say? Seungmin rushed back inside followed by Changbin.
-We were waiting for you to see it, Chan leaned on the coffee table where the laptop was placed.
Seungmin pushed the start button and took Changbin's hand in his.
Felix noticed that and looked the other way for a few seconds.
In the video there was Jeongin tied up, bruised everywhere with blood leaking on his forehead.
Veins started climbing on Chan's neck as he watched his lover tortured.
"This is my last peace offer, Bang Chan" Ravn said while gripping Jeongin's hair to force him to look straight into the camera.
"Give me the boy or your boyfriend dies. I am done with playing"
-He's bluffing, Hyunjin uttered.
"And before you say I'm bluffing... I will show you some of the torture methods used back home. They may be a little different from what they used in District 9. I was thinking of burning his tongue, but I found something more fun. It's tea time" he smirked while carrying two buckets of boiling water with him.
-You fucker! Chan hit the table with his fist.
"Ravn! Let me do it" another voice said.
Jisung made his way through all the people in the room and glued his eyes to the screen.
-It can't be...
"Bring me Jisung or the kid dies in the same way I almost died. Not a pleasant death at all, I guarantee. Jisungie knows best. I can't wait to see you again, my butterfly" he laughed before taking one bucket and slowly pouring the water on Jeongin's back.
The younger was struggling not to scream while the steam was exiting his body.
Seungmin couldn't take it and stopped the recording.
-It's my fault, Jisung fell to the ground in shock. It's my...It's my fault, he struggled to breathe.
-Who was that? Chan asked.
-My ex. Baekhyeon. This is revenge for what I did to him. He will kill Jeongin with sulfuric acid.
-Hey! Minho kneeled next to him. Look at me! It's not your fault. It was self-defense.
-If it weren't for me, Jeongin wouldn't have gone through that, Jisung started sobbing.
-Don't say that! Sungie, look at me! he cupped his boyfriend's face. I will kill him myself. That I swear to you, he said dead serious.
-What do we do now? Changbin asked Chan.-I can track where the video was sent from, Seungmin took a seat on the couch. But it will take some time.
-Yes! You do that. We can go and look for them, maybe redo their steps from the airport, Chan suggested.
-Isn't this too much bother for a single hostage? Seonghwa chimed in.
-It's one of my men's life at stake.
-No. It's your boyfriend's life. That's why is it so important. You can't think rational. These things happen. All the time, I dare say. You've been through 4 different countries, consumed unnecessary resources, including my people. When is it gonna end? This cat and mouse playtime. You're embarrassing yourself, Bang Chan. Let's go home!
-You want us to leave him behind? Seungmin stand up.
-You've done enough.
-No! We didn't! It is not enough until we get him back.
-He served well, but we have better things to take care of. This is a waste of time. He's collateral damage. I'm sorry! But as the head of the Mafia, I must-
-Collateral damage? Seungmin cut him off. My brother missing equals collateral damage? Are you gonna pay us moral compensation? You're playing with lives like we are some sort of chess pawns. How heartless can you be? He is counting on us to save him!
-How are you gonna save him if you are about to kill each other? Hongjoong interrupted.
-Enough! Yeji rose her voice. Me and the girls will go to the airport. I have to talk to Soobin anyway. You stay with your team, she told Chan.
-Be careful!
Yeji nodded with no more words to add.
Chaeryeong was left behind, on the staircase, guarded by Hyunjin this time.The latter was scribbling on a piece of paper. He was really into drawing, too focused to notice anything besides him.
-What do you think of this? he showed his art to Chaeryeong.
-What is it?
-A compass. We are Stray kids... we traveled half of Europe for a missing member. We are meant to find each other again and again. I want to make it a tattoo to cover the scars on my arm from the tiger.
-Good idea.
-Can I ask you something?
-Go ahead.
-Just why? Why are you helping him ruin our lives?
Chaeryeong refrained herself from laughing. She took a deep breath before calculating a vague yet good answer.
-Hyunjin, do you love Felix?
-What does that have to do with-
-Just answer the question.
-I do.
-How far would you go for him?
-How far?
-How mad would you turn to see him happy?
-I...I would kill for him.
-That's too easy. Would you turn yourself in? Would you sacrifice yourself?
-Now multiply it by 7. Love them all equally. The man that asked for my help was a desperate man, she leaned to whisper in his ear. A desperate man is weak in the mind and strong in the heart.
Hyunjin got angry and pinned her to the wall, his hand pushing on her neck.
-Stop playing! Tell me which one of us is!
-Us? she laughed. Now you're not even sure of your innocence. You need to stop accusing each other. You're just adding fuel to the fire. Have each other's back and no one will stab. Keep that in mind, she twisted his arm and pushed him to the ground. And do not test me.
-Can we talk? Changbin closed the door to the bathroom, locking himself and Jisung inside.-Why did you lock the door?
-Jisung, are you the traitor?
-You heard me. Please answer honestly.
-No! You too, hyung? Why would you believe that?
-One of us must be! And you...You are my guess. You make sense in my head.
-I thought you out of all people would trust me... We are the same. We like to punish ourselves for others' mistakes. Is this search for the traitor a way to make yourself useful? Or a distraction from the cuts on your arms?
Changbin's face went pale.
-How did you-
-I've been hiding my burns for weeks. When you asked Seungmin to help you with your shirt I knew what was about. Hyung, take care of yourself... And no. I am not the guy you're looking for. I wouldn't be smart enough to pull this. But I do understand your judgment and the fact that we are fighting my ex-boyfriend surely doesn't increase my credibility. But I am not running for president here. I am trying to save my family. I'm sorry if it looks otherwise!

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)
FanfictionThis is the sequel to 8 sips of Wine if you don't want to read it, don't feel obligated to do it I decided to write the sequel after consulting a majority One year after the events of the previous book, Stray Kids found themselves in a search for on...