Jeongin stared in the bathroom mirror, feeling his heart racing at a dangerous pace.
He tried to wash his face to calm down, but his hands were trembling uncontrollably.
Every drop of water was violently splashing his clothes.
His breath was shortening the more he was thinking about it until he was struggling to catch unregulated gasps of air.
His head was dizzy. He couldn't stand straight.
As he leaned on the sink, his strength let him down and he fell on the floor, curling into a ball, next to the bathtub.
-Hey! Innie! What's wrong? Chan barged inside in panic.
He knelt in front of him and tried to wrap his arms around him.
-What happened? he asked scared.
-I'm- I'm sorry! Jeongin stuttered between his sobs. I'm sorry! he cried on Chan's shoulder.
His whole body was moving beyond his control. He was suffocating.
-Hey! Hey! Breathe! Innie!
Chan gripped his wrists and forced him to look him in the eyes.
Jeongin was even more shaken up now. He felt his heart trying to break his chest as his vision became blurry.
Chan engulfed him in a tight hug. Tight enough to immobilize the younger.
-Listen to me! Listen to my voice! You're safe now! They are not here to hurt you anymore. I know...I know you keep seeing them doing those things to you. But you need to let me help you. Please... I've been through the same. I know what it feels like not to be able to look at your reflection. Jeongin... Let's count together, ok? Until 10.
-Count what?
-Just follow me, ok? he kissed the top of his head.
Jeongin nodded slowly, trying to breathe normally.
-One, Chan started.
-One, Jeongin followed.
-One friend I lost along the way.
-Two, Jeongin kept going.
-Two scars on my body.
-Three days I have mourned him in my room.
-Four days I have been under the burning tongue torture.
-Five times I tried to kill myself.
Jeongin looked up at Chan who was trying to hold his tears.
-Six panic attacks in the first week after we escaped District 9.
-Seven, Jeongin's hand climbed to his cheek.
-Seven reasons to live I have found.
-Eight makes a family.
-Nine seconds it took me to fall in love with you the first time we met at that hospital.
-Ten, Jeongin said making full eye contact with Chan.
-Ten is the number you stopped trembling at, Chan smiled weakly.
Jeongin placed his hand on the chest to feel the regular beats. He had calmed down.

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)
FanfictionThis is the sequel to 8 sips of Wine if you don't want to read it, don't feel obligated to do it I decided to write the sequel after consulting a majority One year after the events of the previous book, Stray Kids found themselves in a search for on...