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Black butterfly hideout

-Did you really think I wouldn't catch you? Dumb bitch! he kicked Jisung in the stomach while the younger groaned in pain. I'll teach you a lesson. I found a new lady to amuse me. Maybe you can learn something from her, he pulled Jisung's hair, making him look into his eyes.


-What do we do now? Changbin asked Felix who was staring out the window lost in his thoughts.

-I've done my job. I'll let him handle it from now on. One thing is certain... I ruined my relationship.

-He will forgive you, Lix. I know he will. He loves you.

-I broke his heart, Felix hugged his knees.

-It can be fixed. Just a little glue and patience.

-I tried to glue it. Kkami was the glue.

A week ago...

"Felix, honey, what's wrong? Did something happen to Hyunjin?"

-Not yet... he sobbed.

"Felix, what's going on?"

-I screwed up, he cried in his palms.

"Tell me. I won't get mad. I'm here to listen." Miss Hwang tried to soothe the boy.

-He will hate me. He will absolutely despise me after I do it. I'm a horrible person.

"You're not, Felix. Hyunjin wouldn't fall for a horrible person. Whatever you have to do... it can be forgiven. Forgotten. Fixed."

-I will break his heart. I don’t want to. I have no choice. I'm so sorry!

"If you must, please be as gentle as possible. Hyunjinnie is really emotional. He will take it to heart. But he can also heal. You healed him once. You can do it again."

-Why aren't you mad at me? I deserve to die for what I have done to him.

"Because I love you, Felix. See? No matter what you say or do, love will stop me from disliking you. Hyunjin is in love. He will be mad, outraged. But he won't hate you."

-It hurts so much... I love him!

"I know you do, sweetie. I have no idea what are you two going through, but... But I can beat all my money that you will figure it out. It doesn't have to be this complicated, alright? He will listen to you."

-Thank you...

"Anytime, Felix. Take care of my son!"

Present, Germany, The Glass house

-Wait, really? That's hilarious.

-Yeah! He just decided to play with my shampoo in the middle of the night, so I put green dye in the container. People at school called him "broccoli boy" for months, Hannah laughed while patting her younger brother.

Lucas was trying to hide from embarrassment while Chan was laughing his ass off.

-I wish I could have seen that.

-Oh, you can! I have a pic from when the theater kids dressed him up as the Statue of Liberty for their play, she took out her phone and showed Chan the pics.

Chan's face was all red. His smile was so bright and all his worries faded away for a second.

-I can't breathe, oh my God!

-Hey! I'm not the stupid one who sold her favorite albums to pay for a guy's coffee every day for a week. He was totally using you, Lucas smirked.

-Shut up! He was cute. And broke. And yeah, I see your point.

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)Where stories live. Discover now