The dead kid walking

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-Do you think boss noticed our absence? Hyunjin asked, leaning on the cold wall.

-Probably not, Jisung replied laid down on the bench and throwing in the air a baseball ball.

-Can't believe he left us there. We Don't even know French to ask the cop to let us use the phone.

-What's the rush? You've been in jail before, Jisung added, still playing with the ball.

-I wanted to fix things with Felix when I still have the courage. Besides, this time is precious. I can't stand another trip. Another step in a plane and I'm gonna throw up my liver.

-You do realize we need to get on a plane to go home, right? Jisung raised an eyebrow.

-Damn it! Hyunjin whined. Why are you so chill? Your boyfriend is literally on crack.

-I created that crack, remember? I could use some crack now. My forehead veins will become a faucet.

-I would love to see that, Hyunjin burst laughing.

-Dumb bitch, Jisung nudged him playfully.

-You're the idiot who got us in jail.

-And you are the idiot that followed me. I could have had a diploma in chemistry.

-What use? Nothing is more thrilling that a chit-chat in jail.

-After breaking inside a museum. You surely can't make this up.

-Be sure to write it all in the Christmas card for your parents.

At the mention of his parents, Jisung raised up and stared a little at the ball.

-What's wrong?

-Wanna get out of here? Jisung smirked.

-How? They took our weapons.

-They didn't take Minho's ball.

-A bomb?

-Bingo, Jisung threw it once again in the air. Wanna play with fire, Hyunnie?

-Not gonna lie, Ji. It's tempting.

Yuna woke up confused.

She looked around and saw her ankle chained up to the brick wall.

A big white room full of nothing.

Beside her, there was Yeosang fully awake.

-How was the nap?

-What happened?

-He hit us in the head. Left us unconscious and brought us here. They probably wanna trade us for the heart.

Yuna pressed her forehead with the tips of her fingers and whipped the blood.

She squinted in pain as she felt the bruise made by the hit.

Suddenly the door opened revealing Seoho and Jeongin walking behind him.

He ran to them and kneeled down, ready to treat their wounds.

-Jeongin? Yuna furrowed her eyebrows. I thought you are dead.

-What? the latter replied cluelessly. Why?

-Chan said a friend of his found you dead in a bathroom. She even checked your pulse.

Jeongin tried to recall such event. Then it hit him.

-I was dead. You can say that. I injected the antidote in me and my heart stopped beating for a whole minute. Does Chris think I'm dead? he queried worried.

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)Where stories live. Discover now