A doll like you

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"It's easier if you stop fighting"

Felix felt the tip of the gun pushing on the back of his head.

As tears streamed down his face, he could only feel his hair being pulled.

-Sing to me, my doll. It's my birthday after all. Be a nice doll and sing to me.

-I'd rather die... he managed to say between the sniffs.

-And where is the fun in that? I love your screams whenever I enter you. Do you know how hard is to find a doll like you these days?



Ryujin placed her hand on the boy's shoulder to wake him up from his daydreaming.

-Sorry! he flinched. I remembered something... How is he? he stepped forward towards a bed where his husband was laying unconscious with his abdomen wrapped in bandages.

-He'll be okay. I'll send him to the Glass house in Italy tonight.

-Actually, change of plans. Send him to where is Bang Chan. Jeongin can handle it himself.

-Very well. I'll tell the others to expect Hyunjin in Germany then.

-Thank you, Felix bowed before focusing all his attention on the older.

He gently brushed the hair of his sweaty forehead and pressed a short kiss on it while holding his hand.

-I can't wait for all of this to end. I truly love you, Hyunjin! But I can't let you meddle in this. You can't have a doll as a husband. Let me cut the last strings and then I'll be your everything, he added taking off his wedding ring and putting it inside Hyunjin's pocket. Have a safe flight, baby!

-Changbin arrived in Hungary just now, Ryujin confirmed.

-Perfect. Take him! I'll go to Changbin hyung now.

-And Minho?

-He's too dangerous for a Glass house. I took care of him personally, Felix smirked. Let's move!

Superskunk Coffeeshop, Amsterdam

-Take a seat! Seonghwa said sipping from his coffee.

Felix compiled and sat down next to Hongjoong.

-So... I have to be honest here... I am impressed with what you built here. A whole army. What I don't understand is why.

-The same reason you both went after my leader all this time. Revenge.

-On your team? Hongjoong chimed in.

-I have a better question. Why did you tell Bang Chan that Jeongin is the traitor when you knew I was the one pulling the strings?

-I told him to, Seonghwa answered. I wanted to see if Bang Chan is capable of separating work and his love life. I didn't think the little one would poison him. That was hilarious.

-That was my order, actually.

Seonghwa's smile dropped.

-I told Jeongin to put Bang Chan to sleep.

-You're crazier than I thought.

-You don't know half of it.

-So why do you need us? Hongjoong jumped to the main issue.

-I need you to stay away for the time being. Stop meddling. I have everything under control.

-What if we don't listen to you? Seonghwa enjoyed pushing someone's buttons.

Felix leaned above the round table and smiled.

-You ruin my plan and I ruin your lifetime hard work. The money I gave to Mingi... One of the banknotes has a mini bomb inside. Maybe he already traded it. But are you willing to take that risk? I can blow your Mafia in a blink of an eye. Don't test me! he clenched his jaw.

-Oh, I will absolutely love the report you'll have to make after this mission. Hongjoong, let's go!

Felix remained alone at the table, staring at the half drank coffee Seonghwa left behind.

-They won't get too far, he said spilling the coffee on the ground.

The Glass House Nr 1, Germany

Hyunjin woke up in a huge dance room.

He looked around and saw his reflection in each mirror.

No walls. Just mirrors sticking together to keep him trapped like a mouse.

-Hey! Let me go! Felix! Felix, I swear to God! Felix, get me out of here, YOU FUCKING TRAITOR! How dare you let me sleep with you while you were playing me! How dare you say yes! You psycho! COME HERE AND FINISH ME, YOU BASTARD! You're no different from them! Coward!

He searched his pockets looking for his phone and found Felix's ring.

He threw it in the mirror and screamed out of frustration while Felix watched everything live on his phone.

Glass house Nr. 3, Hungary

-They all hate me now... he said with a dull voice.

-I don't hate you, Changbin made a move on the chess board.

Felix looked up at him and smiled sincerely.

-How is your wound?

-Healing. Slowly but surely.

-I'm sorry! Felix bowed in front of him. I was reckless.

-Lift your head, please! Don't bow your head until you reached your goal. I'll help you. After you succeed, you can bow. Now let's focus on the game. Your turn!

Felix looked at the board and picked up one of the pawns.

-The pawns are my favorites. But I could never control them properly. I guess that's why I suck at chess, he laughed.

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)Where stories live. Discover now