Ari noona

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-All in, Wooyoung pushed the chips in the middle of the table.

-A little full of ourselves, aren't we? a man said in perfect Korean.

-I feel lucky today, Wooyoung replied with an innocent smile.

He reached his hand under the table and caught a card that San threw at him.

They switched cards, making sure one of them would win.

-If I win...Wooyoung started, then I get to know in which one of your motels, are the Oneus staying, he said putting his cards down.

Everyone gasped, accepting the fact that they lost.

-So? San raised an eyebrow. Who wants to speak first? he smirked.

Wooyoung's gaze slipped to the right where he caught a glimpse of a light brown hair man at the bar, talking with the owner of the club.

Wooyoung nudged San's shoulder to get his attention.

-Isn't that the maknae of Oneus?

-What? Where?


-Wasn't he blonde?

-Maybe he got a haircut and dyed it. I'm sure it's him. I'll go catch him. You stay here and get the information we need.

San wanted to stop Wooyoung from acting reckless, but it was too late.

Back to the hotel

-Did you find something else? Jisung jumped on the table next to Seungmin's laptop.

-Not yet. I'm trying to check the GPS to see the location of the phone before being thrown into the river. Maybe the place can tell us what happened.

Seungmin's phone started ringing again.

He placed it between his ear and shoulder while his hands were occupied with hacking into Jeongin's half-dead phone.

-Hi! I'm sorry! I should have called earlier. I was a little caught up with-

Jisung looked at Seungmin who stopped talking and froze in his place.

-Thanks, Ari noona! Yes. I will be more careful, he said before hanging up the phone.

-What's wrong? Jisung asked.

Seungmin got up from his seat and stormed into the other room, gripping hard on his own phone.

-You searched through my phone? he yelled in Changbin's face.

-Can we talk somewhere else private? Changbin whispered, trying not to make a fuss out of it.

-No! Let them hear it! How dare you?

-How dare I? What about you? You are cheating on me with that girl!

Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows.

-Is that what you think of me?

-You've been hiding those phone calls from me! What do you want me to do? Brush it off and smile? Changbin shouted.

They never saw Changbin fighting back. Ever.

-I talked to her. To your secret girlfriend. I'm starting to think you are cheating on her with me.

-You mean Ari noona?


Seungmin started to understand what was Changbin implying and where he may have mistaken the situation.

-Bin... Ari noona is a thirty years old woman.

Changbin's anger turned slowly into confusion.

-Ari noona took care of me since I was 3. She is my social worker.

8 sips of Poison | Stray Kids Mafia AU (part 2 of 8 sips of Wine)Where stories live. Discover now